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Thread: [WIP] The Realm of Endûr - My first map!

  1. #1

    Wip [WIP] The Realm of Endûr - My first map!


    This is my very first digital map that I've really put effort into. It's only about halfway done, and I've yet to add the mountains, forests and cities. But since I've got the basic framework down, I figured I'd post it. I've created this map in

    Basically, it portrays a fantasy realm called Endûr. Ravaged by war and political corruption, this beautiful but dangerous group of countries was heavily inspired by Middle-earth.

    I hope to write up some lore for this continent when I'm done, but we'll see. Here's the map image:
    Endur (1).png
    Again, this is my very first digital map and one of my first posts on this site, so go easy on me! Please give me some feedback, and I'll see you later!

    - Breymoor

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Freodin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Not a bad start.

    As I don't know just what you plan to add - especially in terms of colour - nor what is capable of, I will keep my critique on two points.

    First: the rivers. It is already rare for rivers to split downstream, but here it seems you have flowing them from one coast to another.
    This article should give you enough help to 'get your rivers in the right place'
    Second: if and when you redo the river systems, take care on precision. In the current version, you have a few points where your rivers do not 'correctly' meet. This looks a bit sloppy, and should be avoided as soon as possible.

    For the rest: doesn't look bad; will be interesting to see how that develops.

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