Another update.
Decided to change some stuff, the trees, the texture, and also added region colors, what you guys think?
Also here is the some part of the rules so you guys can understand what the game is about.


Find the treasure hidden by the player at your right. The first player to find the treasure wins.

4 tokens for the players
80 coin tokens
1 board
4 paper mini-boards
X Location Cards
25 Event Cards
1 Dice

Game Start:
The games starts by each player choosing a spot to hide the treasure from the player at your left. You can mark your choosen spot at the mini-board, through a circle, or other draw that represent where you hide it.

Each player starts with 10 gold, 1 paper mini-board and 1 Player Token. Everyone starts at the city of Lohan, and must travel through the region searching for clues about the hidden treasure.

Player´s Turn:
The player then decide who goes first. At the beginning of each player turn, he can moves one spot in any direction, and then roll a dice.
If the result is one or two, nothing happens.
If the result is three, the player can moves one additional space.
If the result is four or five, the player receives an event card.
If the result is six, the player receives on Location Card.
After the result of the dice, and the following action, the playe than passes his turn to the player to his right.

Event Card:
When a player receives an event card, through the dice roll, or locations in the board, it must follow the action from the card it receives (i.e. Receive 20 gold)

(more to come...)

### Latest WIP ###