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Thread: Wip - Anglypur continent map

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Default Wip - Anglypur continent map

    First attempt at converting my RPG world to a digital map.

    The large island to the southeast is supposed to be a barren plateau rising up from the sea. I've been working out different ways to get a believable drop-shadow to show that, but I haven't had much luck so far.

    -Still haven't decided if I'm going to add forest/jungles.

    -Have to add rivers.

    -Cities and geological boundaries after that.

    -Then labeling, compass rose, borders, etc.

    Any comments, critiques, or advice would be greatly appreciated!


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  2. #2
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Ummmm okay. Well I've decided to start putting a disclaimer on my comments, cause I have like NO map-knowledge, I just go by what I feel when I see things... and I see things weird, so.. Feel free to ignore me

    Your coastline is really seperate from the water. It isn't necessarily a BAD thing... I've seen a lot of maps that look like that to me... but the point is, it looks like it's sitting above the water, like a cliff or shelf or a *plateau* So maybe whatever you did for your land mass, you could do to make your plateau thingy?

    Of course, then you'd need to lose that effect for the land? Maybe? I don't know....

    I REALLY like the look of the land... it's all... hilly but the effect isn't the same on the lower (tan) island... maybe cause it's more all-one-color? It just looks like crumpled up paper or something on that one (to me)

    Big red spot?

    Um the mountains in the snow and the ones down by that brown island look like they are falling over? Or maybe I'm looking the wrong way

    Also.. what's that scorched area (It's okay to say "It's a scorched area DUH!" if you want...) It looks like it should be flat, or a crater or filled with half-burnt tree trunks. What happened?


    Idk I really like it overall This is a really great first map (way better than anything I can do yet! )

    Good job!

  3. #3
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    Okay, took care of the beveled shore thing and increased it on the southeastern plateau. I work weekends, so no more updates until next week.

    The red spot is a campaign thing...

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  4. #4
    Guild Member Zach's Avatar
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    You have some stray white pixels around all the coasts...I dunno if that's an issue or not.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    woohoo ... instant cliffs

    && OH campaign red spot... I figured it waas something

    I see the white pixels too...

    I also think some lighter shading would be good around the shoreline? (or darker?) Something to make it like the water is meeting the land, instead of all fenced off?
    and idk what's making the northern mountains seem like they are moving/falling o.o

    DO they move? that would be AWESOME...
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  6. #6
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    Map update. Cleaned it up a bit and changed the northern mountain range. Added rivers, hope they're convincing enough. Will inner glow the water next, then decide on how to label and border it.

    Still haven't decided if adding forests and jungles would look good at this scale. Will try it out tomorrow.

    Done in Gimp.

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  7. #7
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    Added forests and inner-glowed the shoreline.

    Comments/advice/criticism greatly appreciated!

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  8. #8
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    Alright, those forest just didn't look to scale so I faded the heck out of them and I think this looks a lot better.

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  9. #9


    Overall this is coming along well for a first map post! Congrats.

    With experience and tinkering I feel like you'll teach yourself quite a few new tricks and get really good at this!

    For the moment however, you could easily get rid of that "jagged" looking coastline. Blur your land layer slightly, maybe 2 or 3 pixels, nothing huge. Then add a new layer underneath your land layers with a dull yellowish sandy color, use your land mask but grow the mask just a couple of pixels so the sandy color peaks out from underneath the current land layer. Then blur slightly and depending on how it looks maybe tinker just a bit with the opacity. This is the simple method for adding a beach or sandy shoreline to the type of map you're working with. It makes the island look a little more organic and less "lego-like" where the land meets the water.

    P.S. - I like the embossed technique for the plateau in the southeast. That will be an interesting thing to tinker with on other mapping attempts. Difficult to perfect though... Ex - a plateau that rises up sharply on one side, with a gradual slope on the other. Not the easiest thing to make look convincing. But fun to play with.
    Last edited by gspRooster; 02-06-2014 at 05:26 PM.

  10. #10
    Guild Novice
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    Been a little busy these past few weeks, so this update is a bit late.

    Fixed the coastline, brought up a couple islands that had faded away some.

    Will add border next week, then the labeling begins along with a crash course in inkscape.

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