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Thread: Inn on the cliff

  1. #21
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Badger's Avatar
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    I guess I couldn't give any higher praise than it already has.... so ... good job Tor
    Have Pen. Will Map.
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  2. #22
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Well, that series of compliments definitely made my day

    It's been interesting playing with this style. Initially it was a matter of creating something that looked like it had been hand drawn on parchment. The colour overlays on the parchment looked good, so it soon moved to more colour and less parchment. In this map I took away the parchment background and went for a more interesting set of colours as the base. This one isn't pretending to be painted on parchment at all - and I like the result a lot. I'll definitely be using the underlay colours in future as a way of setting the colour scheme for the whole map.

    The next maps in this series areas a set of maps in an old abandoned mine, which will have a different colour palette again. This will require a bit of further experimentation, but it will be fun.

    Also, I'd like to point out that when I first came over here my maps were pretty ropey. Indeed here is the map I'd been using in maptool when I arrived:

    It has a certain charm - and was definitely usable - but not exactly pretty. I was too embarrassed to put it up, but I now know I'd have got on a lot quicker if I had. The encouragement around here - as well as the excellent knowledge base - is great. My maps wouldn't be close to what they are if it wasn't for this site. And now I'm picking up print commissions for my work, which I would never have gone in for if it weren't for this site. So, thanks to all, and especially to Arcana and RPMiller - who roped me into all this.

  3. #23
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
    Well, that series of compliments definitely made my day
    And just in case your head is not big enough: THAT MAP IS JUST PLAIN AWESOME! I would give you some rep, but I have to spread some more first. I can't wait to find some snow to through some players into the map!

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  4. #24
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Good grief. If this carries on, I'm going to have to go and have a lie down.

    I understand about the rep - it's a common affliction it seems. Lots of compliments this time but no rep. I clearly need to try harder

  5. #25
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Oh, forgot to upload these shots of the map in use. The sharp eyed among you will notice this is actually the map in a slightly un-finished state - but it made for a good fight nonetheless. There will be a later battle here when the goblins come swarming down towards the unfinished walls, so I'll use the map again then.

    First off - a moment where one check almost ended in the death of a character. The player moved there and said 'wolves don't have anyway of moving people around right?' The wolf of course promptly bull-rushed him towards the 30' drop onto knife edged rocks - but failed sadly. The fighter then used one of her nifty powers to shift that wolf away and the cleric hit it with cause fear and made it run like a puppy. But here is the moment when the fledgling ranger's life was in the balance:

    This one is a little later - when the highly mobile woves have hunted down and surrounded the cleric. The red outlines show those that have been marked by the fighter. There's a red dot in there which denotes a creature with the ranger's Hunter's quarry on it too.

    All in all, a fun fight. It's a lot more tactical than 3.5 and the players like that. They came away realising that they needed to work a lot more as a team - particularly in moving enemies around so that the wizard could use area spells freely. This group of players have decided to move fully to 4e - but then they don't have many 3.5 books. Now my other group have libraries - so we'll be 3.5 for a long time yet.

    Oh - these maps will be put together in maptool as an introductory adventure for new users with lots of tips and tricks. I just need to find the time to get them all done - and now RP goes and announces a VTT monthly challenge. How am I ever meant to get any physics done?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
    Now my other group have libraries - so we'll be 3.5 for a long time yet.
    I wouldn't bank on that. I find that the "collectors" move into the new edition once they feel that they have everything they want for the old one.

    As a local shop owner for Vampire 2nd ed, Warhammer 40k V3, d20, D&D 3.5, Warhammer 40k V4, and the WoD revamp and now I'm watching as a spectator with D&D 4th ed. So far it's the lesser invested guys switching first, then when they are having fun and the stores stop ordering the old books the collectors move in and begining a new shelf in the library.

  7. #27
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
    So, thanks to all, and especially to Arcana and RPMiller - who roped me into all this.
    It was my pleasure and when did you say I would be receiving the finder's fee checks?

    Thank you for coming over here and for sharing everything you do and for invigorating others to participate.
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  8. #28
    Secret Super-User StillCypher's Avatar
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    This is a really beautiful map! I'm so glad you've shared the step-by-step progress with us. I may have to attempt a copy!

  9. #29

  10. #30


    Torstan - That was a lot of praise thrown your way, and all of it deserved. You mentioned theRedEpic as someone you look up to. Well, the three that continually come to my mind are you, theRedEpic, and Hapimeses. All amazing.

    You had asked for some CC, which no one seemed to offer. I'll offer some, although since you've already used the map in your gaming session, you might wonder why. I hope that I don't offend.

    The thing that stuck out at me was the black outlines on a lot of your objects. Several of your previous greats looked to me like paintings. This one, with its black outlines, looked like a cartoon. And while I do like the map, I'm stuck on the old painting style. If this map could have been done without those outlines, I would have been floored by it.

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