Quote Originally Posted by Freodin View Post
Very promising.

I like the new texture and the overall colouration... though you might want to tone down the white parts a little bit.
I am thinking the same thing myself :-)

Quote Originally Posted by Freodin View Post
Very promising.The rivers are quite nice. On most old maps, rivers feature very prominently and I think most cartographers here don't show enough of the river systems that should exist on their maps.
There is just one thing that I don't think fits right now: (though you might have a reason and an explanation in your own world): you have two rivers comming from the region of "The Goblin Flatlands", but rivers usually originate in higher, hill or mountain ground.
The Westfells mountain range is intended to end where the western river has most of its sources (the range will basically go from the right edge of the map in a more or less vertical line to the eastern coast), so that is where the water comes from, although I might have to extend the river a bit more into the mountain range. I was thinking that while it is a plain it would also have a few higher areas and small hills, which would be the source of some water. I will probably move it all around a little when I have drawn in hills and mountains.

Thanks for your input.