This looks very promising! Look forward to watching it develop.
Thanks Chashio, I like the big mountain too. Originally it started off more or less like the rest and I started playing around with the highlights of the snow and suddenly it grew as I expiremented. Sadly its just way to big, one of the glaciers alone would be around a good 100km in length and based off the surroundign mountains and continent size that mountain would have to be much heigher than the 8000 m of Everest. Heck it could even rival Olympus Mons of mars...maybe I dont' 21000 m might be hard to beat.
Thanks Lesopeso. I just hope I can get this finished sometimge in the next 5 yrs. It is slow going mostly putting hours just doing a single mountain range, though I've noticed I'm starting to get much quicker, actually a lot faster....I think.
Ok update.
I couldn't do mountains anymore so I switched and did a little of the sea floor to see how it looks.
I'm having a lot of trouble keeping the mountains consistant in shape and color while at the same time trying to show changes in climate and other details.
Any thougts? something look odd or could be done better. I'm looking for any advice right now it's hard to pick out problems and things I missed, it's all starting to look the same.
This looks very promising! Look forward to watching it develop.
Dam dude that's awesome! Your colouring work is intense. I just wish I had your eye for detail
@ Arsheesh, grimleyblack
Thanks you two.
Well this is a small update. I redid that easter island/peninsula I don't know how many times and to day in about two hours redid it to what it is now, some days progress is great others....
I also added in most of the rivers to see how it looks.
I have just one humble suggestion ....
Island chains don't form at right angles, for the same reason that mountain ranges don't. They both form along the edge of a tectonic plate collision, and plates can't collide in a T junction.
??? Plates collide all the time in T junctions... Southeast asia has a lot so does central america and North eastern Russa, all of Japan (though that is more of a collision of 4 plates in a very small area). What you don't find is a plate subducting a divergent boundary in a T junction, mostly because a divergent boundary is newer/lighter so it would subduct instead of being subducted. As to the island arcs... Well Island arcs are created by volcanos along convergent boundaries on the plate that rides over the one being subducted. Ttaking a look at the volcano activity in japan, I don't really see why having an island arc in a T shape would be a problem. I did note that the areas where there is a T juction the area is mostly an mu ch larger landform like Japan, Kamchatskiy, Papua, Papua new Guinea to name a few. I may simply make a large island on the norther plate of the T junction. I'm not certain but I think the reason why large landforms are created along T junctions is due to the increased stress and collision of lighter volcanic material along the leading edge of the subducting plate causing material to build up into an large island.
Thanks for bringing this up, it reminded me to add in Transform boundaries in the tectonic map, along with geological features on the on the islands, mostly with the rivers.
Ok. Here is the latest update. I don't really know what to do with the large plains, any suggestions?
Also whats a good size for volcanic islands? I'm starting to think that the islands are too large on the island arcs.
Do you think I should change the color of the rivers? maybe less saturated and lighter?
Figured I add in the entire continent to show how much is left to be done
Oh, thanks for the help Chick.
Last edited by ascanius; 02-24-2015 at 10:23 AM.
Looking good dude and at that scale I wouldn't worry about the island too much. Lighter rivers would help them to stand out. An yup I know the pain of deciding to make an entire continent![]()
Ok here is an update, I'm putting every spare minute trying to finish and it is starting to feel like I'm trying to role a lead car up a mountain. The inconsistency in the mountains is driving me mad, I can never get them to look the same the next day.
Very nice indeed sir! The thumbnail really does look like it could be an image of earth. It's only when you zoom in to full resolution that you can tell that this is in fact a painting. That's an impressive feat.