Hey folks! I was just playing around in Photoshop this weekend and ended up making a map I'm going to be using for a home-brew sandbox D&D game. I am using the world of Greyhawk as my base, but it is an "alternate reality" type timeline and not "cannon". This map is placed in the small valley that connects Geoff to the Valley of the Mage. I have made up all the locations, except a few of the map labels such as the "Barrier Peaks" and the "Javan River" are true to the actual Greyhawk setting. The rest of the stuff on the map is my patch-work sandbox mini-campaign setting I"m creating. Oh, and the region isn't really called "The Borderlands" in Greyhawk. It IS along a number of borders and it is a mostly untamed territory.

I created this map completely in Photoshop. I just whipped it up real quick using (mostly) symbols and fill styles from Herwin Wielink's Campaign Cartographer 3 Overland Style ( I like his mountains).

I'm posting two versions: 1) With Labels, 2) Without Labels

Sandbox_20160313.jpg with labels

Sandbox_NO_LABELS_20160313.jpg no labels
