Quote Originally Posted by Ilkka View Post
Compass directions. They help to put the map in the right angle with reality. A map would be useless for orienteering or navigating without them. Often, maps only have the (magnetic) North indicated, but historical maps for navigation always had N, E, S, W; NE, SE, SW, NW; plus the directions between all these. I don't know if modern navigation maps have all of these.

Right... technically, these maps have (clockwise) N, N-NE, NE, E-NE, E, E-SE,SE, S-SE, S, S-SW, SW, W-SW, W, W-NW,NW, N-NW and finally back around to N. Whew... I THINK I got all those right....

Basically. W-NW is More Westerly than North-Westerly, while N-NW is more Northerly than North-Westerly

Though I am in no way a cartography expert, I "expect" where all the points converge is meant to be somewhere on the equator so the East-West line is overlapping the equator.