A bit about the Well of Souls:

Many countries claim to be home to the Legendary 'River of Life', and Losnivinia is no different in that regard. However, for the Losnivinians the emphasis is on -life-, not a physical river. Those living on the island of Loas claim that all life flows in an endless invisible 'river' about Guildword. Those who die return to the river, those to be born come from the river. The Well of Souls is said to catch the souls that burn brightest before they can return to the great River of Life.

While it is natural that the denizens of the Island charge a great deal of money for the souls of ancient warriors, poets, kings, etc - one cannot claim a soul for merely money. The denizens of the Arcology of Souls demand elaborate quests be fulfilled before a rare soul is handed over. [What people do with these souls, they don't really care. The soul will get back to the river eventually].

Magic-oriented children of Losnivinia are very fond of tricking visitors into buying 'crystilized souls', which are really just pieces of titanium ore or copper ore that have been placed in the vicinity of a spell and so now look 'rainbow-ish'].