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Thread: Real Trail Map through Forest

  1. #1

    Post Real Trail Map through Forest

    This commission has been taken.

    I am looking to employ one of you fine cartographers to create a map of the trails at my family's cabin in the forest. I created a map on google maps, but would like a better looking map to give as a gift.



    Map of real trails through the forests of eastern Texas. Map shall include forest of hardwoods and evergreens, trails, pastures, a lake, and a creek.


    A fantasy style is what I would like, something ~lord of the rings-esque. I like the style of the "Ward of Chiezbehrg" especially the trees in the whisperwood. I would also like a couple of animals set in the corners, a coyote and a raven. If you decide to take up the project we can talk about the style more


    Email me at shammond3431 at gmail . com to discuss the rates and any details you have questions about.

    Quality & Size

    This will be a gift, so it'll required for print, pretty large. Maybe 24"x36"

    Time Constraints

    Looking to have it completed for Christmas.


    As it will be a map of our property, I would like to have the copyrights myself, but you can show it off as part of your portfolio if you wish.

    If you have any questions please feel free to email me at shammond3431 at gmail . com, and I can give you a copy of the kmz file for google earth

    Thank you!
    Last edited by slhammond; 10-18-2017 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Taken

  2. #2


    Can we see how it turned out?

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