I saw your huge map and its cool and you have chosen one 'island' and started on that too so theres two of the scales done already.

I wouldn't care what maps people chose even copyrighted ones where you just post a link to it and submit one new bit of work. But it would be better to have stuff we can reference like CC stuff and even better if its a set of maps that you have done yourself - theres more incentive to fill in something thats missing.

That's really the point of my suggestion actually. All our maps on this site bar CWBP are maps out of context. You get a post about a whole world but know nothing about what it looks like inside or you get somebody's battle map with no idea about where that is in relation to any world so thats what I would like to fix. It might be good to see if people can trawl this site and tie up lots of bits of maps together into a collection which would almost certainly need some 'glue' which is what you make for the challenge. The judging ought to be on quality of map / art but also strongly influenced on the selection and integration of the set. The best would be two unrelated maps 'glued' in scale with an excellent in between 'filler' entry.

It would be like the sum of the 5 maps/art would then be more than the individuals because of the relation between them. Or its like getting 4 maps for free by making another 1.