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Thread: Hello Everyone! Thanks For Making This Place!

  1. #1

    Default Hello Everyone! Thanks For Making This Place!

    A little about myself: I've loved maps since I was a little kid, I used to run around and play with a backpack full of children's atlases and made a very earnest but ultimately horrid attempt at writing a fantasy novel after I saw Fellowship of the Ring in theaters and discovered Tolkien's work, complete with my own maps. Now I'm in my late 20s, and in the past year my circle of friends and I have finally decided to give D&D a try and we've fallen in love with it; I've been DMing one campaign for about a year and playing in 2-3 others that started about 6 months ago.

    All of this is to say...there's been a lot of map making going on in the past year. And I'm realizing how much joy it really brings me to work on bringing worlds to life. It's the closest thing to a calling I think I've ever felt as an artist, which is crazy to say, but there it is. I really want to step up my map game, and a friend found this place and pointed me to it, so here I am!

    I'm really looking forward to getting involved with the community here; I've already found so much that's been so helpful and I hope I can be of just as much help to folks new and old alike. I'll be posting more of my work soon here; I've got a few mapping projects "open" that I want to share and I am really excited to polish them up with your input. Thanks again for making this place great!

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Hey jplet, welcome to the Guild, glad you're liking what you see here!

  3. #3


    Thanks diamond!
    This place has been a font of inspiration so yeah I am psyched to get more involved. I was just trying out one of the mountain tutorials last night for a regional map I’m working on and the results were really promising in the test run I made. My goal right now is to see if I can get the method to work using a preset layout to determine where the mountains go instead of relying on the raw randomness of the photoshop cloud filters.

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