Quote Originally Posted by Wingshaw View Post
- the colour of the desert seems a little off. I'd suggest making them much lighter and less saturated. More of a creamy yellow, than a pineapple-yellow.
- it could be a good idea to add some extra texture to some areas. Again, the deserts stand out for being so empty and (frankly) not interesting to look at. Adding some dunes, or a texture that differentiates them (subtly!) from the grasslands might really help. The same could be said of the tundra, but it's less obvious there.
- there are a lot of places that are empty (eg north of Ogluhk or south of Stockport). It might be a matter of taste, or the client's preference, but I personally think they'd look good with something there - some low hills, some tufts of grass, the occasional stone. Anything that breaks those areas up a little bit. Perhaps just adding roads would also work...
Those desert colours definitely needed changing, I've switched to a more creamy yellow as you suggested and they look much nicer. I don't mind the blank areas too much, there will be a version of this with a hex grid for the client's in-game use that will take care of that issue I think, but from an illustration point of view I agree I could have used some extra bits in those large blank areas. Thanks!