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Thread: What are you playing?

  1. #1
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Post What are you playing?

    I'm wondering as I peruse our hallowed threads here, what rpg's do my fellow Guildies here play? I suspect we're D20 heavy; is that true? What about you?

    Plus, what is the actual flavor/tone of the game you play?

    Finally, just for fun, if you feel like it, I like to know something about who's posting what. Say a word or two about that, too!

    • I play GURPS Fantasy via a weekly on-line game. Our game tends to be character-drama heavy, fairly realistic, low-magic, and less "module" driven than campaign driven. Characters have a good chance of croaking in every battle, too, which has interesting affects & effects on game play.

      I myself am 37, a secondary English teacher, 14 years married with two little kidlets. Have gamed since 1979--though with a long college/career break in there. Interests: karate, Christianity, literature, & long walks on the beach!
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  2. #2


    D20 Traveller on Grip or Fantasy Grounds when r/l doesn't intrude. It's hard to put a description on the flavour of the games we play, generally it's one on one although our player base is growing slowly, less guns and more brains I suppose. We are also more module than campaign driven, mainly because playing over the internet is much slower than playing face to face.

    I'm 42, married, no children but with two cats and a dog, I'm a lawyer by trade. First started RPGs in school in about 1980 and then in university. After that my interest went onto board gaming and I've only recently come back to RPGs. I've always had an interest in Cartography of the 'real' variety; I collect maps. My interests, apart from cartography mainly lie in history, WW2 aviation, 3d modelling, science fiction and fanstasy.


  3. #3
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    I knew there was a reason I liked you guys...

    I've played more RPGs than I can count. Currently I'm running a Champions game online and gearing up for a Western Hero game also online. Both games are pretty much single adventures because of the speed of PbP, but there is a possibility of a second adventure if there is interest and players. Both games have gritty realism as I prefer more realism in my games. I ran a GURPS game, set in my own created world, for about 3 years but got burned out and had to stop. It was a combination fantasy and scifi setting that to this day my friends beg me to start up again.

    I am 37, a network administrator, just celebrated my 14th anniversary, and I have two kids (girl and boy), 1 dog and 2 cats. I got my wife and kids into roleplaying as well. In recent years I've become much more interested in board games, and our best friends are responsible for that. I started RPGs in 1979 with D&D and went RPG crazy after that. I am currently taking a hiatus from working on my black belt in Taekwondo (second attempt, first time was in my teens) while I take college classes working toward an MIS degree. I have also been spending a fair amount of time trying to learn Poser 7, Carrera, and Bryce. I dinker with PhotoShop 7 quite a lot but still call myself a beginner.

    Oh, and I was born in Detroit but moved to Sacramento when I was 9.

    It's a good thing none of us have anything in common huh?

  4. #4
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    I'm primarily a D&D nut...D20 all the way...I've dabbled in hackmaster and am going to be dabbling in some d20 modern/darwins world soon...but thats about it. I currently DM a campaign thats not too teribly active...I wish it was more active, but it can be tough getting the players (which include my wife) together. I've mostly ran my own campaign settings or pieces of friends campaign settings, right now I'm running my second full-scale-ground-up world and I enjoy doing it.

    I'm 31, former US Air Force, former web application developer, now a senior systems engineer contracted to the navy basically running and updating flight sims and other virtual trainers in the aviation physiology community. I'm married as mentioned before, no kids, she's a flight nurse. I have a siberian huskie pet, and thats about it. I also enjoy doing graphics and 3d modelling...which is what got me the current job.
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  5. #5


    I play almost exclusively d20 D&D, playing since high school for several years. I used to play d20 Star Wars, but I'm not sure if I want to get back into that; I suppose I'll wait and see what the new edition of the game is like. Dabbled in d20 Modern a little bit, and that's about it. I've been thinking about trying out some of the "smaller" games like Monte Cooke's Arcana Unearthed, but haven't really had the chance (and don't know anyone that plays those games).

    Oh, and I'm a single student starting college this fall.

  6. #6
    Guild Member Naryt's Avatar
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    I'm a player in the game Don mentions. I also GM a GURPS modern fantasy/horror tainted game for the times when Don needs a break. I can't say much more about it as only a week in game has passed the characters just boarded a plane for Dubai with a one-eyed professor by the name of Henry Jones. I also occasionally run a game of Faery's Tale for my kids (thanks Don!). I've been playing since mid-2005.

    I'm 36, married with four children, two fish and a dog. I am not a network administrator/programmer but I play one at work. I enjoy my family, RPing, maps (hehe), books, read, writing, storytelling, bad jokes, gardening (surprising to me that is), fishing, backpacking, computers, video games (not so much anymore though), church and yoga.
    Innkeeper at the Darkwood Inn. The Foul Punster of the Cartographers' Guild!

    Better role playing than dragon slaying!

  7. #7
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Faery's Tale!!! What do you think of it? Any feedback? Do you have any play session write-ups? Do you play using the Dark Essence at all? How do your kids do with that aspect? Do they have a favorite type of faery? Would you have any interest in adventures, settings, or *ahem* maps for it? Do you have any questions about it?

    Yes, there is a professional reason I'm asking.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

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  8. #8
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    We play whatever strikes our fancy! I GM pretty much exclusively, but we don't have any particular game that we play more than any other; we usually stick with short campaigns (12-15 sessions is a long one for us; most are 2-5). Right now I'm running a Risus game inspired by One Piece for my wife and son. As for the whole group, we just wrapped up one of many sessions of Mutants & Masterminds. (If I had to pick one favorite game for our gang, M&M would be it!)

    Next up will probably just be a couple of one-shots. Probably a horror game next, but I don't have a rule system in mind. I'll probably just grab one that's handy a couple of hours before the game starts and just wing it from there. I run my games like Roger Corman makes movies: I work fast, I'm not looking to win an Oscar, and I'm not afraid to go for the cheap thrills.
    Butch Curry
    Zombie Nirvana Games

  9. #9
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    I'm a 19 year old university student double majoring in English (creative writing emphasis) and political science. I have been gaming for eight years, so quite a while considering my age. I'm currently in three D&D 3.5 campaigns, two of which I am DMing. I almost always DM -- I dislike being a player, I find it too limiting and a little bit boring. I may be adding a fourth game soon, though one of my campaigns should be coming to a close soon. I work as an freshmen orienter for my university, which logs me about 60 hours a week. I'm hifalutin and a bit of a perfectionist. I'm humble when I'm not cocky. And I'm tired.

    I enjoy a well-run game. I normally play dirty fantasy, as I try to get my fantasy fairly realistic. That's a chore, of course. I like a mid-fantasy world where I can play games on either end of the spectrum. I've played super-low magic and high magic. I've dabbled in other systems but always come back to D&D. The one game I'm playing in right now is D20 Future, and it's brilliant. The system's not perfect, but it's made well enough to be easily playable. So I'm enjoying that.

  10. #10
    Guild Member Naryt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPMiller
    Faery's Tale!!! What do you think of it? Any feedback? Do you have any play session write-ups? Do you play using the Dark Essence at all? How do your kids do with that aspect? Do they have a favorite type of faery? Would you have any interest in adventures, settings, or *ahem* maps for it? Do you have any questions about it?

    Yes, there is a professional reason I'm asking.
    I replied in a new thread.
    Innkeeper at the Darkwood Inn. The Foul Punster of the Cartographers' Guild!

    Better role playing than dragon slaying!

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