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Thread: Brannaegh WIP

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    Belgium - Lands of chocolate and the Marsupilami

    Post Brannaegh WIP

    As I told in these post, the demi plane we're playin in consists in three continents.

    So here's the second one - Brannaegh.

    While Tenoctris has a jungle climax, Brannaegh is much more a Med-fan setting.

    Made with FM8

    C&C welcome - Enjoy...
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  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Coming along nicely!

    As a member of the River Police I see no violations.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Looks good, I like the pale colors. Might want to do the rivers in the same color as the darkest color in the ocean rather than that true blue...or maybe something in-between, not sure, I'd have to see. What's the deal on that orange thing? Is it supposed to be creeping out into the ocean? Anyways, like I said, lookin good.
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    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

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  4. #4
    Publisher Facebook Connected bartmoss's Avatar
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    Actually I do have an objection about the rivers, or at least a suggestion: I think the distribution is too equalized. Except for that one area in the Northeast, you've used pretty much the same number and type of river on both sides of the mountains; however, this is not very naturalistic. At the very least, without getting into too great detail about how weather works, I'd pick one side as the one where prevailing winds come from and make rivers more frequent there than on the other side. (Since the number you have is generally good, I'd suggest removing a few rivers rather than adding them.)

    That said, I agree that the style of the map is very nice, it will be very easy to read/use when done.

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    Thank's for comments.

    @ Ascension :
    - I changed the color rivers to fit them with ocean.

    - The orange spot in the SW is called "l'ïle aux Infurnaux"
    Once a isle populated by dwarves, these volcanic place was used by the blacksmiths of the city to create device of power.
    But (as in another story) dwarves "dig to deep" and they connected to the elemental plane of fire...
    By now huge fire elems and all that kind of menageries wander the place, while deep in the volcano mouth, in the ruins of the dwarven city flowed by lava rivers, tribes of fire giants serve a court of Noble Salamanders.

    I confess, Ascension... As dwarven priest, I still have problems to control all the wandering elems... and still looking a way to give to the sea a look wich translate the flow of lavae rivers in the water...

    @ Bartmoss

    - You're totally right : the rivers aren't well distribued... The reason is quite simple
    Actually, I made two "rivers layer". The first contains all the major rivers (fleuves), while the other shows the affluents and the hydrographic bassin. You guess that if the first layer il completed
    The small rivers was actually on the good way "tobidone" but at a moment, my Valentine arrived on the scene...
    And, as I confess to Ascension : I still also have problem to controle that "kind of hot" ... So I have to lay all that rivers unfinished ("many rivers to cross" - has he said)...

    To finish the post, I'd like your advice on the look of the moutains range : it's a combination of blured layers wich become lighter with altitude and toped with a textured, very transparent layer.
    For the highest range; I used small stepped bevel and blured fractal polygone topped with the same textured layer.

    What do you think about the renders ?

    See you soon

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    Belgium - Lands of chocolate and the Marsupilami

    Post Textures almost done

    Well, this is an update of the map :
    Each area has a color and a texture (helping to give a climax). Still all the small islands, I'm too tired to do it well by now (0.30)

    What do you think about ?
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  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer woekan's Avatar
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    Nice start. I think the outer stroke needs to be lighter or opacity lowered.

  8. #8
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    Post Guess what ! ... I got a Pen Table °_*

    And, oH bos, what a difference in the way to draw...

    how many fine the lines are and how easy it's to draw it...

    So, here's an update
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  9. #9
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    This is the latest map of Brannaegh.

    There's a scale and the names of the area are placed.

    As mentionned before, each area recieved a colour to give a glance of the climax and to show their borders.

    I choose not to show the small rivers (only the biggest are mentionned) to reduce the size of the file. On the original map (a bitmap "that size Huge"), many other details are placed...

    To conclued, I would like to say once more that a pen table is much more funny and easy to use than a mouse, even with a CAD software...

    Enjoy C&C welcome
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  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer Morkhdull's Avatar
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    Belgium - Lands of chocolate and the Marsupilami

    Post New Update

    Since I get the pen table, things are viewed a different way...

    So, I redo some map from the start and decide to show the level lines...

    Following is a zoom of a zone 1600 km wide and 1200 km height

    What do you think about ?
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