I think the idea of a tree like a footie match league where you all start on the bottom rung and get paired up randomly with another and all duke it out on one mini challenge then winner goes on to next round with a different mini challenge (determined after the previous one had finished) until two remain and duke it out for the win / runner up would be a cool idea. The challenges would have to be quite short so maybe a week per round each say. If we got about 16 or 32 people to do it then it would be easy to set up and take 4 or 5 weeks. If the number is more uneven then we would have to have groups of three instead of two at some points in the tier system but we would know that before it started. Might have to hold off starting the challenge until enough people throw their gauntlets down - at very least need an even number of starters but probably a number divisible by 4 or something like that would be better.

It would have to be a really random starting grid tho. And it would be cool if there was a way to set that up so that it was completely automated by some random event which determined the starting grid. Maybe we all choose a number and use random.org's numbers at a certain known point in time to determine the order. If people pull out for any reason then your challenger gets lucky and goes through with a bye.

You could start with a list of say 24 people, take one random number, do a modulo 24 on it and select that person as first box. Take next random number modulo 23 and remove that person as box number 2 (i.e. challenger to number 1), keep doing that until all 24 are boxed up into starting pairs. Would be bad to get paired up with known multi challenge winners but at least if it were random you don't feel slighted by the luck of the draw.

And at least in this Guild World Cup, if you get paired up with Brazil you might stand a chance to win - heh heh...