Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
Or....just or...you can confront those perceived lack of skills and give it a go! we'll help you along the way....try it, we'll catch you if you fall. Drawing decent maps is not half as difficult as it might look.
Hi Ravells! I thought someone might say something like that. I don't actually have a perceived lack of skills so much as an actual low level of spacio-mechanical skills. I'm not being humble or lacking self-confidence either; my spacio-mechanical skills measure below average for the general populace, whereas my math skills measure above average even for people who take graduate-admissions tests (GRE, GMAT) and my verbal skills measure right up at the top of the distribution (again even among people trying to get into graduate school). I have in fact created many maps over the years, as I've been playing D&D and DMing since 1978, but I find it difficult and the results often quite dissatisfying, and rarely what I had in mind when I started. I mean the map of my world, which I've done in pieces over the decades, I find reasonably OK, but it's tough for me to design anything that doesn't just fit along the straight lines and 90-degree angles of graph paper. I also don't have a good sense of how large things should be, or even sometimes of what ought to be in a place.

Eventually, if nobody shows any interest in designing the sites, I might come up with something on my own, but teaching at two colleges doesn't leave me the sort of free time I once had, and tasks at which I do poorly I tend to put off in favor of tasks I can do better, like creating storylines and NPCs. By eventually mean, well, let's just say that it's been a few years since I first came up with the ideas for the sites and I have yet to put pencil to paper (which would make sharing the designs a little more difficult, although I could scan them and upload them if this site allows that. I'm not sure; the ones I've seen so far appear to reside on other sites with links on here rather than directly on here.)

Well back to work I guess. Part-time professors don't get paid much...