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Thread: Race Wars (forum game)

  1. #91
    Guild Adept Notsonoble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Dragons +1
    Halflings +/- 0
    Undead -1
    Sweetpipe Plant -15

    Talinksa The Grey was bored. Her and her eight siblings, and Martilhanis, and the elves had been carving up zombie horde after zombie horde for weeks now. Talinksa wasn't as fond of the elves as Estihlass, they were too serious. The humans they'd helped were better, but their idea of a good time was to rough and tumble... and all their magic might as well as been sleep spells for the excitement they inspired. Seriously... hundreds of generations of mages, and the biggest light show they could come up with for the evening stories was some simple whisps and shadows...

    So, when they found a break in the fighting, Talinksa went wondering... if Martilhanis found out she'd probably acid breath her into a puddle of dragonbits, but she was just too damn bored, and she needed something to eat.

    She crested a hill to stair down at a small village with lots of houses dug into the hills, and there was something different about the smoke from some of the chimneys... So, she landed at the edge of town, and took her favorite "man" form... That of a human blonde girl, only a little older than her equivalent dragon age. Then she flicked her wrists, and a simple blue gown and grey dress formed around her. She looked into the river, and, satisfied with the reflection, made her way into town.

    When she opened a gate she understood some of the smells... it was evening, and people were roasting pigs and various game birds for food. She made her way down the street, looking for a tavern.

    Before she found one she discovered something interesting... Everyone here seemed to be short, round, happy people. No one seemed bothered by some random girl walking into town from nowhere. She also discovered what the other smoky smell was. There was a plant grown here that all these short people smoked... It was like the plant one of the human generals smoked, but smelled sweeter, and it was everywhere. When she found a tavern, she could barely see for all the smoke... it made her giddy... and she quickly found herself having a very good time.

    Some hours later, after an exhaustive night of spells, story telling, eating, and other general merry-making like she'd never done before... Talinska went back to the edge of town with one satchel full of the sweetpipe plant, a whole roasted pig, and the memory of the confused faces in how such a small girl could carry so much. She would have to remember this place, and come back to it soon... She was pretty sure at the rate she went through the sweetpipe that she'd only acquired enough for a few weeks, and that was only if she didn't share... but she knew she would... this stuff was just too fun... besides... after what it did to her spells... she really should pass some to the human sorceress... her magic could really use some spicing up.

    Also, she was worried, these little people were really fun, and great cooks... and the horde was headed their way... She wanted them to survive it.

    Human: 21
    Elves: 25
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 24
    Orks: 17
    Drow: 26
    Kobolds: 4

    That's right people, we have a dragon who likes halflings and smoking the silly stuff... If any of you have read the Thraxas series... I'm setting up Talinksa to by the dragon equivalent of Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky... The thazis smoking super sorceress.
    My D&D/Roleplaying Blog Making a new effort to update every two weeks!
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  2. #92
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney Australia


    Look. Dem little humans have smoked fish. Smoked fish tastes good. I want smoked fish. But humans don't give things to giants. They don't sell things to giants. Trading big bones is good for everybody else. Bones are good for making things, like clubs, and tents, and clubs. Human's don't like big bones. But I want smoked fish. Smoked fish smells good. Smoked fish tastes good. I want smoked fish.

    Barbarians -1
    Giants +1

    Human: 21
    Elves: 25
    Barbarians: 22
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 17
    Drow: 26
    Kobolds: 4
    "Sacrificing minions... is there any problem it cannot solve?" - Order of the Stick

    Some of the books I have written, or am still writing...
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  3. #93
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected
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    May 2008
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States


    I return at last with a little, epic contribution.

    Orks: +1
    Drow: -1
    Humans: +0
    Undead: +0
    Dwarves: +0
    Elves: +0
    Halflings: +0

    The encounter at the Valley of the Dead was EPIC.

    E. P. I. C.

    As the human representatives of Aslanica came upon a horrific scene as they topped the ridge of the Seven Dwarves’ Pass and looked down into the Vale of Dead Men in the shadow of the three eternally white-capped mountains: Snow White, the White Maiden, and the Pale Lady.

    An epic battle was being waged by a warband of savage orks, ghostly-looking Drow, and a writhing mass of undead that had agglomerated into a single, stinking blob of decaying and decrepit filth. In the pale light reflected by the white capped mountains, they could see the vale below was bathed in blood and gore. Epicly bathed in epic blood and gore.

    Acquiring the services of a Halfling thief, a dwarven fighter, an elven enchantress, and a human cleric of the god Palan, whose ancient relic they quested after, the Ambassadors of Aslanica planned a careful mission to avoid the worst of the epic carnage. They needed to find their way to the other side of the vale, to the base of the White Lady, where they hoped to find the cave that was the entrance to an epic level dungeon crawl wherein was entombed Palan’s sacred relic.

    But their plans went quickly awry, as a reconnoitering party of the ghost-drow happened upon their hidden camp on the summit near Seven Dwarves’ Pass. Epic combat was quickly engaged. Narrowly, thanks to a masterfully executed tactical feint lead by the dwarven fighter and a globe of invisibility crafted by the elven enchantress, the party escaped, two low-level officials the only casualties. The next few days and nights were a series of epic skirmishes, tactical retreats, and slow progress across the vale and through the unending three-way battle. By the time they reached their destination, a lull in the combat had finally descended, the drow having been beaten back and the undead mass having deserted the battlefield. An orkish battleflag now fluttered over the parapets of the old stone fort that dominated the center of the valley.

    Human: 21
    Elves: 25
    Barbarians: 22
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 25
    Orks: 18
    Drow: 25
    Kobolds: 4

    [Edit: characters & locations updated for those who care ]
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Karro; 12-11-2009 at 04:20 PM.
    I think, therefore I am a nerd.
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    Pimping my worldmap here. Still WIP... long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far...

  4. #94
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Go Orcs!

    That was EPIC!

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  5. #95
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Sydney Australia


    That big ass giant killed my cousin (who was also my sister's husband!)... Time we did some killin....

    Giants -2
    Barbarians +1
    Mountain Lions +1 (They got leftovers)

    Human: 21
    Elves: 25
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 23
    Orks: 18
    Drow: 25
    Kobolds: 4

    Mountain Lions (extras who are unlikely to be hired again but might wait tables at Starbucks): 1

    *Mountain Lions also double as TV Producers and Electricians...
    "Sacrificing minions... is there any problem it cannot solve?" - Order of the Stick

    Some of the books I have written, or am still writing...
    My Lulu Store

  6. #96


    Reducing two points in one post is pretty lame

    The Elven Gourmet

    Elvarth Do'Eet was an Elven master chef and connoisseur of great reknown, but also quite the naive idealist. He believed in the superiority of Elven cuisine, and took it upon himself to "enlighten" the other races by guiding them away from their indigenous, barbaric traditions of cookery and into adopting the delicacies of the Elven kitchen. So he journeyed across the lands, offering to educate aspiring chefs of other races. Due to his blatantly (though unintentionally) patronizing attitude, he met with no success. More often than not his adventures ended in being driven out of the towns of Humans, Halflings and Dwarves. Stubbornly he continued his quest, venturing next into a village of Giants. It seemed then, that he had finally found a receptive audience. The Giants appeared very happy to follow his instructions in preparing a seven-meal feast to celebrate the village chief's birthday. What Elvarth failed to foresee was that the feast would conclude in a spicy delight of traditional Giant fare - fried Elf in a hot chili sauce.

    Giants: +1
    Elves: -1

    Human: 21
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 24
    Orks: 18
    Drow: 25
    Kobolds: 4

  7. #97
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney Australia


    The orks, emboldened by their recent acquisition of somebody else's fort decided to adopt their usual tactics and pillage everything they could see from the parapets of the fort. This included some of the recently acquired Kobold lands. The Kobolds had quickly learned they enjoyed the taste of game meat and had been working steadily on traps to bring down deer, panthers, lions, buffalo and just about anything else able to feed a village for a single meal. The Orcs however, were not so aware of the slowly refining Kobold Technology. A number of raiding parties limped back and the Kobold found several of their more impressive traps bloodied and broken. Kobold tinkerers took it upon themselves to improve the traps. The Orks took it upon themselves to improve the sharpness of their axes. A small arms race began, until one Ork used what remained of his brain (This was also why he was made the tribe's Shaman, he could think past next Tuesday and you know... understood stuff and spoke without a lisp) and decided that maybe recruiting or allying with the makers of these incredibly irritating and crippling traps might be a good idea. At worst they would get a bunch of irritating followers (but what's the difference between 1000 goblins and 1000 goblins + 1000 kobolds... not heaps) at best they get a good supply of food and a harder to attack fort. An alliance was formed. The ork Shaman taught the Kobolds about religion, sharpening axes, making nasty things from people's skulls and animals. The Kobolds taught the Ork Shaman about bear, deer, lion and ork traps (ork traps were recently invented, they had extra pointy bits to try stop the traps being broken).

    Orks +1
    Kobolds +1
    Mountain Lions, Game Animals, Extras, TV Producers and Innocent Bystanders -2

    Human: 21
    Elves: 24
    Barbarians: 23
    Dwarves: 29
    Dragons: 30
    Undead: 27
    Halflings: 25
    Giants: 24
    Orks: 19
    Drow: 25
    Kobolds: 5
    Innocent Bystanders and Miscellaneous Extras -2
    "Sacrificing minions... is there any problem it cannot solve?" - Order of the Stick

    Some of the books I have written, or am still writing...
    My Lulu Store

  8. #98


    This is getting too rediculous for me.
    There was one simple rule.. one point towards a race, one point from a race.. no more, no less per post.
    Now multiple points are being transfered.. even conjured from nowhere.
    Isn't really a game anymore now is it =\

  9. #99

    Post Agreed!

    I totally agree! That's why I quit posting, instead this month's challenge contains my continued storyline of this game.

    It was working well for a while, but not its gone down the mindless road...

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  10. #100
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected Rythal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Toronto, Ontario


    Have updated the rules.


    ~no adding races

    ~only transfer one point per post

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