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Thread: Outerra - this is looking really cool...

  1. #11
    Guild Adept monks's Avatar
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    Manchester, UK


    This is relevant if you're interested in Outerra development:


  2. #12


    Had a look at the website and the vids/stills - quite fascinating and the upside of this software looks to be, limitless. Thanks for posting the links!

  3. #13
    Guild Member
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    Enterprise, Alabama


    Didn't see what I was really looking for, namely orbital shots with the ability to create maps of the surface from the generated world. Very cool project and I hope you get it out the door and into the hands of everyone drooling over what I did see.

  4. #14
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    You can check these out:

    Once you have used the app tho you wont want static maps any more. The ability to fly around to where you want to be is awesome. We will be getting back to the me-dem map (whether in Outerra or not) in a while but I reckon it will have a shaky progress for a while as we have some things going one interrupting it. One of which is a huge bug in world machine that is killing our tile export. Were hoping for a fix in next release but till then we can hold off.

  5. #15


    Each update of this program causes me to drool.

  6. #16
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    In case you havent been following the Outerra forums, the outerra tech demo is now available for download. It seems that they are also going to use it as part of a game they are making and that game is also for download but costs a small amount. I think the tech demo is free tho. So if you have a fast PC and some shiny & hot graphics card then head over and try to get this going. I assure you it would be very worth it if its anything at all like the test alpha we have been using for MeDem.

  7. #17
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Proland has released its code as Open Source ! So this is a big deal if you want to play around with a 3D terrain viewer. I haven't tried this code and compile yet but we had a copy of the main app and the ability to import MeDem data into it and we had that running a while back. I can tell you its pretty amazing - well, all of these world renderers are.

    I don't know if this is Eric Brunetons latest work but Proland is trying to make a very realistic simulator and Outerra is going for a more real time and faster simulator. We like Outerra's fractalizing terrain when you get close. Outerra is released as a playable demo but no code. I don't think code is likely to be honest either. So if you need code then Proland is now available.

    One of the things in Proland was the real time editor which was not in the demo we had. If that is in the code then it would be a boon to be able to edit terrain in real time 3D. The download is supposed to have some pre-compiled windows binaries to try out and the data. Last time we used it the data was about 4Gb tho ! Ah scratch that the web page is saying you need 20Gb of data to run this !!! So you will need to have a fast net connection.

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