Another martial artist... We'll have to have a CG cage match.
I bought my son the basic set as well. I concur very special and definitely says something about the hobby.
I'm 37, married with two kids. Started gaming in 1983 with D&D 1st Ed. Thereafter 2nd Ed., Rolemaster, Homemade system, Warhammer and back to D&D 3rd Ed and 3.5. The system that I DM at the moment is Iron Heroes. I find it amazing after many years of becoming tired of High Magic campaigns to find a system that encourages gritty low-magic play where there is still a mystique associated with the arcane. Two games, one F2F and one online using Kloogewerks.
Making floorplans for the games is the reason I got into mapping and learned to use the GIMP.
Other interests include playing the guitar, karate, rugby (unfortunately only watching now) and dabbling in some 3d modeling. Big moment when my son turned 8 in March and I bought him the D&D starter set. Our first game was something special. Says something about the hobby I think.
The internet! It\'ll never catch on.
Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld
Another martial artist... We'll have to have a CG cage match.
I bought my son the basic set as well. I concur very special and definitely says something about the hobby.
I'm 27, have really only played 3E D&D and a little bit of of VtM. I began playing D&D back in 2001 when a friend invited me over to play, and my first response was "I'm a nerd, but i'm not that big of a nerd." I was wrong, and have loved it ever since. I began playing back when I was on active duty, but since I got out and joined the guard, I've discovered that Indiana seems to be a dead zone for D&D, and it's killing me. For the last 3 years i've pretty much just been collecting the new WoTC supplements and talking to my old gaming buddies across the states about how bad we miss playing.
Recently I've met an awesome girl who is now living with me, and despite her never having played video games before, I've turned her into an EQ2 addict. I'm hoping to drag her into D&D, but having never DMed myself, I'm kinda worried. I've periodically gotten on a D&D kick where I build more onto my campaign world, but I still haven't tried that campaign yet.
I've been somewhat inspired recently by this post on the WoTC forums:
Koor, have you considered an online roleplaying interface such as Battlegrounds that would allow you to play with your friends across the country? Or a play by post game? I've found them to be a good replacement for face to face games.
I agree 100%!! Without this, I would not be gaming at all today--and I do it with my friend of 25 years who now lives clear across the country!Originally Posted by RPMiller
If money is an issue, some of the programs (such as what I use, OpenRPG) are completely free!
My gallery is here
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"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
I tried a play by post game once, with a bunch of strangers, but every time I logged in to post my part for the day, I'd see the plot had been advanced along and my character was left scrambling to catch up. It was supposed to be that it was a one post a day thing from the DM, but instead he posted several times at sporadic times and left me in the dust.
I tried convincing my old dm to start one, but he couldn't figure out how to host a game through them after he had started an account there.
I agree. It is difficult to find a group you can mesh with just like in a face to face situation, but I've been able to do it as have others so we know it is possible. I wouldn't give up. Starting an online game is pretty easy. Where was your GM trying to get one started? Perhaps I could give you some instructions to get started.
Interesting site. There is a lot going on there. I could understand getting lost.
There are several new player threads there that you can read to get up to speed, but it might be better to try a less busy site especially if you already have a group ready to go.
I don't highly recommend this site but it is easy to get a game started and has some nice features. I can more easily recommend it with the assumption that it will be your group playing. If you were going to start an open game and let anybody in, I would be a bit more reluctant to recommend it as I had some bad experiences in that regard. As a disclaimer that was my experience though and probably not the same for everyone.
There are many other similar sites out there, but you should do your due diligence and I recommend lurking in a few threads before diving in.
I actually spent a great deal of time and played in many games at but I ended up leaving due to a lack of participation speed. It is worth checking out as well again assuming you have a group ready to go.
I play mostly D&D 3.5. I am a player in Arcana's much-too-infrequent but always-a-blast D&D game. I am also the guy trying to get him into d20 Modern / Darwin's World 2 (by RPGObjects, my FAVORITE publisher) if we can get our schedules in line. I started playing 1st edition AD&D in 1983 (at the tender age of eight). I've played a ton of different systems, but I'm currently most interested in d20 Modern (Urban Arcana or Dark Matters), Post-Apocalyptic (Darwin's World 2) and Horror (Year of the Zombie). I also want to start using the recently released Fantasy Grounds 2 for some online gaming. I actually collect a lot now, and play much less than I'd like to.
I am a 32-year-old Web Developer who also manages the web department at the same command as Arcana. I code mostly in ColdFusion, but do a bit of ASP or .NET as the need arises. I also manage about 3000 pages and I am currently implementing a CMS to make managing those pages easier. I am married with 2 kids (one is 4 and one is 7months). I have two dumb dogs and I enjoy pro wrestling (yeah, so what?), MMA (UFC, Pride), reading, keeping my pool clean, and not mowing the yard.