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Thread: Two very different maps for ongoing D&D campaigns

  1. #11
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    price on maps are always difficult. Honestly, people don't really get a decent wage per hour for most map making, cause they take a long time to make if you're talking detailed mapping. However, as Ravells says - sometimes you're lucky and a cartographer is willing to do it cause he is bored/likes the challenge/is feeling generous/got an A+/had a nice girl smiling to him/won the lottery/etc etc
    so good luck on getting a taker at some point
    regs tilt
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  2. #12
    Guild Apprentice MMXAlamar's Avatar
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    That is a really awesome map design you have there. You also seem to have loads of information on the geography. Good luck with finding a cartographer! You'll probably find a very professional and dedicated one with all the information you've provided here.

  3. #13


    Thanks for the kind comments, MMXAlamar. =)

    I hope your predictions come true, Ravells+tilt+MMXAlamar. Let's hope for nice girls and good exam grades! =D

  4. #14

  5. #15


    Does anyone want to take on this?

  6. #16
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrathean View Post
    Does anyone want to take on this?
    If no one else steps forward, I would be interested in doing something as long as you don't have a tight timeline(between 1-4 months or so) for one of the maps. While I don't expect direct payment, if your happy with the finished product, a donation to the guild in my name would be appreciated. I don't necessarily feel I can live up to the quality of work of the two maps you mentioned, but would be willing to give it a shot.... I would love to work on something similar to Manthria in a project where I have a reason to complete it. I think the second map has some appeal to me in inspiration. I don't have many finished maps due to off an on RL issues over the past few years, but check out my Baldimar WIP map and my recent Rift Principalities WIP map for an example of my work when I am not super rushed(as I was in the last challenge which I felt was sub standard work...) timewise. You can view both of those unfinished map works in my sig links if you want. I will have some other "requirements/limitations" we can discuss if you are the least bit interested in me taking one of these maps on. Nothing major, just things I want established up front....

    I expect that one of the main reasons you have not gotten any takers is the huge level of detail you added in conjunction with the limited payment. Large maps with lots of detail take an insane amount of time and the artist may end up only making a few $ an hour, so that might be something you need to temper you expectations by... Typically, labeling tens/hundreds of locations is rather time consuming AND boring to most people....

    Anyway.. feel free to reply here in this thread...
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  7. #17


    Hello, jfrazierjr. Thank you tons for the reply.

    I don't have a tight timeline, so 4 months (or even 6!) is a time I'm more than willing to wait for a map.

    I like your donation approach, but it leaves me in a somewhat uncomfortable position, since I haven't the slightest idea how much your customers usually donate to you. Is 50 usd a good price? Do you usually get thrice as much? Were you expecting less? As you can see, my experience in the matter is nonexistent.

    Also, what are the limitations or rquirements you mentioned?

    As for labelling the areas and everything, I can do that (I've got a few good fonts on my computer, and one of the few things I can do with a graphics editor is add fancy text to images).

    I took a look at the two wips you mentioned. They're good, especially Baldimar, and I can imagine something in a similar style working for my campaign.

    Thanks again for writing. I look forward to your answer.

  8. #18
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrathean View Post
    Hello, jfrazierjr. Thank you tons for the reply.

    I don't have a tight timeline, so 4 months (or even 6!) is a time I'm more than willing to wait for a map.
    heh... good.... glad you don't have a tight timeline... I would hope to get this done over the course of 2 months or so... but just wanted to get it out there just in case something happened that zapped my free time for a few weeks...

    Quote Originally Posted by Magrathean View Post
    I like your donation approach, but it leaves me in a somewhat uncomfortable position, since I haven't the slightest idea how much your customers usually donate to you. Is 50 usd a good price? Do you usually get thrice as much? Were you expecting less? As you can see, my experience in the matter is nonexistent.
    Well... I have not done any commissions, so this would be my first and as such is just as much a learning/practice exercise for me as anything as well as wanting to help you out considering how patient you have been with no solid takers. From what I have heard from some of the others, $150 is a fairly decent price for a detailed map the size you are requesting as many artists here can make between that price and $250-$300.... And these are non professional (ie, those that do something else in their "day" job), while professionals may make much more(and of course, the quality shows in the small details.) Given that some maps take 30-50 hours, a $150 map would net about $3-5 an hour.... Mainly, I just want to let you (and perhaps others who may read this later) to know the reasoning behind pricing... not to mention many of our best map makers are in high demand and as non professionals would have to choose their offers carefully given their limited "free" time.

    How about I set a $30 first offer and if that is easily doable for you and your group, I would ask you to donate as much as you feel compelled to above that after the map is completed.... Does that sound fair?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magrathean View Post
    Also, what are the limitations or rquirements you mentioned?
    My main requirements are based on your expected use for the map will be. If this is only for your gaming group, then I mainly want to be able to know/control where/how it might be used. Specifically, you can post it to a personal website, but would just need to be sure you take reasonable care to note the artist and that the map may not be used for any other purpose, specifically commercial. Ie, I just don't want this all over the internet with no attribute to me and/or any artist whose assets I have licensed or for commercial gain. I hope that makes sense....

    Also, I will want to be able to post works in progress as well as the final product here to get feedback from other artists as well as possibly a portfolio site that I may or may not have in the future.

    What are your thoughts about print? If you only plan to use on the computer at you suggested resolution, then 72 DPI will be fine. If you plan to print it at this resolution, then the file size will be significantly larger(and thus my software will be slower).. this is not a problem so much... just something I would want to establish up front...Note that at 300 DPI, you would be able to print it out at around umm 15X15 or something in that area...

    Quote Originally Posted by Magrathean View Post
    As for labelling the areas and everything, I can do that (I've got a few good fonts on my computer, and one of the few things I can do with a graphics editor is add fancy text to images).
    Don't get me wrong... I don't mind and want to label at least enough to make a nice looking map.. I just don't want to label so much that it looks over crowded. I work on a linux machine, so if there are any font's you want to use we need to get in sync and make sure the font's are available to both of us for free and easily accessible.

    Hopefully, I don't scare you off... I just want to be 100% up front..

    If this is all cool, then we can discuss more so I can get started... Again... note that I am only planning at this point to do the map you posted in the second half of your post. I would suggest editing your first post to remove the original half and create a second Thread in the forum with that content to see if you could get another offer...

    Also, don't be discouraged.... many times people come here with price/quality expectations that are out of whack... and sometimes, one of our great artists do some work for free that while still really cool, is just not up to professional quality but that that the poster still ends up happy with as an end result(because most times, something is better than nothing!!!) This especially happens when a map request sits idle for a few months...
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  9. #19

  10. #20
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    Hi JF, I've taken the commission for the second map....if you're doing the first one, we can mark this one as taken.
    Well bummer...I really liked the second map! Well.. if you have already started, I guess I can do the first one if the poster is still willing to take me.
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