I needed a regional map for the GURPs RPG campaign I am setting up. This what I have so far, place names are coming. This is an area just south of the equator on my world, Most of the woods are jungle or rain forest. The larger towns, cities and forts are shown. There would be numerous small villages that are not shown at this scale. The mountains are relatively small averaging about 30 miles across and about 6,000 feet tall. In the desert just east of the mountains are some areas of wet sand. there are small springs and spring fed streams running into the western edge of the desert. The one Oasis is placed just over halfway across the total desert. The mountains were uplifted from the west. So the western slopes are steep with many cliff faces. They are mostly granitoids so are a source of some precious stones and metals. The eastern side on the mountains are sedimentary (limestone) and are dotted with caves. Some marble is quarried from this area.

The main exports from this area are sea food, spices, exotic lumber, gold and gem stones.

So besides place names, What am I missing, What do I do well, and what do I need to work on? (I know the Days on the scale are 1/2 the proper value and are already fixed on the original)