I like what you're doing here Pasis. I can see this approach having a lot of potential!
Finished Maps: Skenth - Prints Available!
Works in Progress: Arinthia - region of Skenth
Need something commissioned? Send me a message!
That close-up view just blows me away.
Upon the Creation of the World the First Dragons cast their seed in the light of a Sun and a Thousand Suns, beneath the Moon and a Thousand Moons, on a World and a Thousand Worlds.
Finally I found some time to continue this project. I spent majority of the time cleaning the parallel lines (some still exist) but managed to do the more fun parts as well...
Edit: corrected some typos...
Last edited by pasis; 06-24-2014 at 04:09 PM.
Simply amazing, pasis! One of the ridges in the northwest looks like a crab crawling out from under the sand. I can see the front of its shell, two eyes and a couple of legs.
Cheers - Akubra
Really nice work. Would you be willing to share some techniques with us on how you've achieved this? The map I'm currently working on is still at the stage where I can change the general style completely, and I've been toying around with different map styles. I would love to toy around with this.
If not, no worries! Do keep us updated on future developments though =D
Sure I can share the methods used. Here are the steps in short:
1. Use Geocontrol tool to create the grayscale heightmap and save is as .BMP. Open the .BMP in Photoshop for the next steps.
2. Select the textures and colors to use to obtain the general feeling you are looking for (weather it’s going to be arid and rocky or fertile etc.)
3. Create separate layers for the terrain, water, forest etc. and set the layer types to multiply.
4. Paint the ground and mountains etc. with the colors and textures selected. Use low opacity to get smooth color and texture transition.
There are few tutorials I have written covering many of the steps in more detail.
That is extremely useful, thank you! This is gonna be so much fun.
Here is the latest. I'm not sure if I like the forest or not...