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Thread: Nosgoth, my first try...

  1. #11


    Out of curiosity, what did you use to create the map?

  2. #12
    Guild Member Morgan's Avatar
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    Naples, Italy


    If you mean software, Photoshop CS4. If you mean technique, Pasis' tutorial!

  3. #13
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
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    Salzburg, Austria


    Really a great looking map.

  4. #14
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    Oh, thank you all so much, I'm sooooo flattered!
    Oh, and I'm trying to solve the scaling problem, too. Is it just me or Photoshop has a limited amount of depth with Bevel and Emboss that prevents you to make bigger mountains?
    it does indeed... I think I remember getting around that tho by beveling on a layer on top of your bevel... seemed to work alright.. but it's been a while so i'm not entirely sure it works (I've tried to switch my work away from non-legal copies of software.. so GIMP and Inkscape have become my new toys )
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    If you mean software, Photoshop CS4. If you mean technique, Pasis' tutorial!
    Ah! You answer my ambiguous question with the info I desired (software) and added a little gem that is most useful! Thanks for that.

  6. #16
    Guild Member Morgan's Avatar
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    Thanks, Sapiento!

    loogie, it's a nice workaround, I just have to make practice 'cause in some regions the transition from layer to layer is not smooth. But thanks, your advice pointed me in what I think is the right direction to draw bigger mountains. I just merged the various levels, before...
    Just out of curiosity, would you judje GIMP and Inkscape better softwares to draw maps? Are they any lighter? 'Cause I like Photoshop, but my hardware is screaming pain!

    Sorus, no problem. Pasis' and Tear's are the two tutorials I'm using to make practice, and they are great. Give them a try! And yes, I'm full of information! Oh, crap, the Intelligence! Sorry I have to go!

  7. #17
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Quite honestly, I've learned to like Inkscape as much as if not more than illustrator... That being said I would most likely still use Illustrator if I had a copy of it.. but inkscape does almost everything, and yet to me it seems to do it in a more straightforward way (as far as drawing anyways)... where it lacks I find is in the features, mainly that filters are a bit hard to figure out, using palettes is non-ideal, even things like the stroke, fill, and gradient UI leave some things to be desired... The only thing i've found that is truely not doable in Inkscape is gradient meshes, which of course are a very cool thing.

    But that being said it is definitely worth using as a free alternative, and none of those issues really makes it impossible to use.. usually just takes a bit more time to get exactly what you want...

    GIMP I've really just started using for something more than cropping and quick editing of pictures... to me it seems even less refined than Inkscape, but seems to be much more powerful... the scripting capabilities I've seen RobA come up with are amazing, and I'm sure it's just a matter of getting used to the software as well.. Again I'm sure there are a number of features that just aren't possible yet compared to PS, but again.. I'd say its probably the best free alternative out there...
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  8. #18
    Guild Member Morgan's Avatar
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    Hmmm, thanks, perhaps I'll give it a try!
    Last edited by Morgan; 03-22-2012 at 11:58 AM.

  9. #19
    Guild Member Morgan's Avatar
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    I'm creating another topic in the proper Regional/World mapping section with a brand new version of the map!
    Last edited by Morgan; 03-26-2012 at 09:21 PM. Reason: Moving Thread

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