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Thread: Antique Style

  1. #11


    Update: rivers and text have been adjusted; map border and scale added; & ocean tweaked. I am thinking the Territory names are a bit dark...let me know what you think. Enjoy!
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  2. #12
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    That looks verra verra VERRA nice.

  3. #13
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    If you lightened them a bit it would be a more consistent with the rest of the map. That having been said, i don't think it would have registered if you hadn't pointed it out.

    This is absolutely great. I spent a bit of time looking over the territories themselves and how they relate to other areas, and I totally love this. fires the imagination!

    (edit - and i have to say, the thumbnail came out *extremely* well.. one glance at it and you can't help clicking on it to see the details! lol)
    Last edited by Coyotemax; 02-02-2010 at 03:50 PM.

    My finished maps
    "...sometimes the most efficient way to make something look drawn by hand is to simply draw it by hand..."

  4. #14
    Guild Adept moutarde's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Very nice! Your mountains look really good in there

  5. #15


    I like the border you've chosen to frame your map. It complements the atlas style of your map well, drawing the viewers attention to the main event. Yet if you zoom in to take a peek, the border has a rich character all its own. Good work.



  6. #16


    Thanks all for the appreciation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coyotemax View Post
    If you lightened them a bit it would be a more consistent with the rest of the map. That having been said, i don't think it would have registered if you hadn't pointed it out.

    This is absolutely great. I spent a bit of time looking over the territories themselves and how they relate to other areas, and I totally love this. fires the imagination!

    (edit - and i have to say, the thumbnail came out *extremely* well.. one glance at it and you can't help clicking on it to see the details! lol)
    I'll adjust the opacity level of the territory names and I might unmask a few landmarks - I had to hide them because the map was getting too cluttered.

    Here's a bit more background to further fuel your imagination. An'farun is a realm of high magic and advanced technology - which could be considered as another form of "magic" for, although it can be tailored for specific purposes, it's workings are not clearly understood. Technology, or "Tekhne" as it is called in An'farun, is directly linked to the symbiotic relationship between humanoids and payas grass (both of which are heterochthonous). The bond between people and payas exists on more than one level and is vital to the survival of both species. Persons who have immigrated to the realm through Rainmaker Gate (a rare occurance) generally do not connect with payas grass and are considered to be "Outsiders". Outsiders reside in or near one of the four southwestern towns around Rainmaker Gate.

    The Neutral Zone in the northern region has been established near a natural landmark, the Spirit Shrine, which rests atop a large, round mesa (Teylinth Mesa). The mesa is considered to be the center of the world and a source of unearthly power. There are other similar sources of energy throughout the realm but none are as strong. Most of An'farun's inhabitants can feel this energy and are drawn to it but not all are willing to share it; this why the area around Teylinth Mesa is in constant turmoil.

    Racial Notes (all of these people have roots in another realm and migrated to An'farun through an inter-dimensional gate):

    The Aktel Alliance was formed in An'farun and is comprised of three powerful, independent nations who share interests, goals and philosophies ("Aktel" is an acronym). They are considered to be self-serving and immoral by other races, but this is a common sentiment among those who are disadvantaged or are without what they need or value most in life. The Aktel have accumulated vast quantities of resources as a means of passive control. They are the dominant force here and are currently at war with the AGE.

    The AGE is an alliance of two self-reliant nations and a third, smaller group ("AGE" is an acronym for the two principal races). Over time, the three races have become inseperable. Although the people of the AGE are generally benevolent toward those outside their borders, they will not suffer intrusions upon their privacy. The AGE and Aktel are mutually at odds with each other and the one known as, "Ahn".

    Estun Alliance (EA) - the militaristic Estun originally made this alliance in their former homeland as a means of establishing a single, world government, under their direction. Needless to say, despite their superiority in Tekhne weaponry and numbers, they were not lastingly successful. However, it should be noted that their intent to unite dissimilar cultures and people has created one of the strongest and most enduring alliances in the history of two worlds. Now, the Estun rarely venture into hostile territory and have taken a passive stance against would be enemies, which is contrary to their nature.

    Antani Nation - the passionate and opinionated Antani accrued many enemies with their intolerance of cultural differences, were once the greatest rivals of the EA, and were nearly decimated as a result. The survivors of a war-torn world, the Antani assimilated new concepts into their old way of life in An'farun. They are vehemently opposed to the policies of the Aktel but are not strong enough to wage war against them.

    Four Nations - this is a loose alliance of three races, one of which has formed two nations.

    The Sharos Sanctuaries were formed by the altruistic Sharos People and are havens for the dispossessed and freewilled but, like most inhabitants of An'farun, they do not welcome Outsiders.

    Elves (Esu) - there are three races of Esu, the Niunath, Lithukari and Kalessi. The former two were duped by Moszag'roth, a demigod, and were instructed to exterminate the Kalessi, their wayward kinsmen. The Kalessi survived by taking refuge within AGE borders until Moszag was slain by Ahn and the diurnal Niunath and nocturnal Lithukari regained their senses. Although the long-lived Esu tend not to hold grudges, racial tensions linger and the Kalessi remain suspicious of all foreigners.

  7. #17
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    Wow, that's really got me thinking.

    Now if I could only channel those thoughts into something that's actually productive

    My finished maps
    "...sometimes the most efficient way to make something look drawn by hand is to simply draw it by hand..."

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