Together with A Song of Ice and Fire its called the new Masterpiece of Fantasy. Only that George RR Martin is more famous now. In my opinion, Steven Erikson Books are far superior to ASoIaF. I like booth, but while Martin lost me a bit in Volume 4 and 5, Erikson had planed Volume 1-10 in coherency, forshadowing events sometimes 5 Novels in advance, so a lot of fans, including me, reread the novels several times and still find new angles of the story. You never have the feeling the outhor just popup new characters for nonsense, and the story is truly epic. But its hard to get into the story fast, its written completly in Medias Res, so you ahve to figure things out a lot. And I recommed you to read it in German, if your english is not perfect. It was very well translated. But the last 4 german Volumes (2 english) are still not translated.
The first book is Garden of the Moon
Here is the textured Version on 8% resolution
Here is another minor update, I am still unsure about the colors
Looks like Nehwon colors :p
Thats not true you are Bluegrey, I am greengray, and my paper is reddisch, yours yellow. But the colorintensity is the same, right. I will add watercolor wash to the ocean for more structures
New colorwash inspired by visuals from Ramahs recent Vaniya map to give the water a slight lumicence glow with blueish tones. Dunno if that works.
Little preview oversprayed by a small visualisation how a tiny island on the Map start to rule the world (at least the Imperatrix may think so )
Comeon, this is the only book where Zombie-Cavemen and Transdimensional-Clockwork-Spaceship-Dinosaurs and Dead-Dragon-Soul with Splitpersonality Issues and a shapshifting Demonlord in the body of a flying teddybear and an Magical-Speaking-Artcritic-Frogs can coexist and making sense. The story is epic and seriously great, but some details I will always love.
Last edited by Schwarzkreuz; 07-11-2013 at 07:25 PM.
Hmmmm, I think I will try to tone it all down.