Well I had to try this. This one is really important to me (They all are but this one is special) The Grinning Goblin was named by my mother about 10 years ago. I was writing a short story about an adventurer who had returned to Riverhewn after a long and successful career. To make a long story short I was stuck on what to name this tavern that said adventurer had bought. It wasn't much of a place 4 walls and a layer of dirt an inch thick. But he had big plans and dreams for the place. He saw it as a place where anyone could pull up a stool and drink a pint. Rich,poor, fancy, plain it didn't matter.There would always be a place by the fire and a friendly face at the bar. My mother who "participated" in my "other worlds" from time to time came up with the "Grinning Goblin" and it stuck. I have used the Goblin as a base for many written stories and even a few adventures. I see it as "my" tavern. My mother passed away in 2008 after a battle with cancer. I miss her terribly and I would dedicate this to her. This is why I really want this one to be good. Even more than usual feedback is requested and appreciated as I have never done any kind of building interiors before.

The Grinning Goblin.jpg