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Thread: [Region 1][Map 14] The Tawaren Basin

  1. #21


    I attempted to update the title of this thread to reflect the name chosen for the major feature: the Tawaren Basin. Doesn't look like it took, though--it just updated the post title and not the thread. Anyway, I thought I'd give a brief rundown on some of the sites on the map.

    The Tawaren Basin: Enclosed between two mountain ranges, the Tawaren Basin encompasses three major lakes: Lake Medre, the Blackwater (shared with Kagehito's map), and a third lake yet to be named. It was once densely populated and was hit very hard by the plague as a result. A few small population centers remain, but all of the larger towns and cities are falling into ruin. People in the Basin who turned out to be resistant to the disease have gathered in guarded communities called hallows.

    Galerius Hallow: Hidden deep within a trackless forest north of the Halidberg Mountains, Galerius Hallow depends upon secrecy and forbidding terrain to maintain its safety. It is guarded on two sides by the confluence of the North and South Galerius rivers and to the southwest by steep hills.

    Klastin's Fort: Klastin's Fort occupies the point of a long peninsula in Lake Klastin. Its prominent position makes it impossible to hide, so the inhabitants have built a stout wall from the remains of the town it replaced. Every citizen of the Fort is trained with weaponry, and they have managed to scavenge a significant number of crossbows, enough to arm virtually everyone in the community. Thus far, they have kept themselves safe by being harder and tougher than even the most desperate plague sufferers.

    Medre Isle and Blackhallow: These two villages occupy islands in Lake Medre and the Blackwater, respectively. They defend their shores with ballistae and catapults which fling burning pitch at any boat or ship that approaches without displaying the correct signals. There is a significant amount of trade and cooperation between the two communities, accomplished by sailing the wide and gentle channel between the two lakes.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  2. #22
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    I'll change it for you.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  3. #23


    Thanks. Here's another update, with rose and scale bar. I am being rushed away from the computer, so I didn't get the roads done. Can anybody give me a clue how to make a dashed line with Photoshop? And name suggestions for those mines would be appreciated. I'm awful with names, and I think I used all of my inspiration on what I've already done.

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    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  4. #24
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
    Can anybody give me a clue how to make a dashed line with Photoshop?
    In your brushes settings, choose a normal, hard-edged brush, then under Brush Tip Shape check Spacing, and up it to 150% or more. This will give you a dotted line. If you truly want a dashed line, that is more involved, but I usually use dots since it's so easy!

    I hope that helps!
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  5. #25


    Or I guess you could download inkscape which would do dashed lines as a snap. Import your pic from photoshop into inkscape and paint the dashed lines on a new layer. Then import the new layer you created into inkscape as a new layer in photoshop.

  6. #26


    I have CorelDraw, which can do the dashed lines, but I haven't quite mastered moving things from one app to the other. I'll just use the dotted lines for now and work on the dashed later. This should be pretty close to the final image. If there's anything anyone thinks it needs, or if I need to adjust any features to be more copacetic with my neighbors, please do speak up. Otherwise, I am calling this map complete.

    The Tawaren Basin by Bryan Ray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

    In the event that substantially new derivative works are made based upon this map or accompanying text of the same authorship, such works may be used for commercial purposes, so long as they also remain available to the public under the same Creative Commons license.

    Special permission is granted to Robbie Powell ("Arcana") to use this image for the promotion of The Cartographers' Guild, even where such use might be construed as commercial activity.

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    Last edited by Midgardsormr; 11-16-2008 at 05:20 PM. Reason: Added licensing information
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  7. #27


    I thought I'd give a quick rundown of the map elements, just in case anyone was interested. The legend font is Lydia BT, the labels are Chaucer.

    The alchemy symbols for silver and tin were inspired by a website somewhere. I don't remember which one. I unfortunately neglected to save the source images, but if someone wants them, I can reproduce them easily enough.

    All of the other icons come from the standard Wingdings fonts provided with Windows.

    The rose was graciously provided by Tareth in his Lir - Cor Regional Map thread. I took the liberty of modifying the colors, of course.

    The map was produced entirely in Photoshop with the assistance of the heightfield rendered out by Redrobes. Many thanks also to Torq, Clercon, and su_liam for helping to fill in some cultural elements on my borders.

    Legal representation by Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  8. #28
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Since the FHCO's are always looking for adventure, I think we'll lay claim to the Taliste Mine, Nope the Smithy and Cagil the Artificer need "somewhere" to get there tin from, after all. And Lope the Vanner needs somewhere to van to and from, with the FHCO in tow.
    It would also give them a chance to try out some new scripts for Sketchup that are more organic shapes than buildings,,,may be perfect for tunnels.
    and we can give section cuts a try for displaying the map.

    So after Hebbies Ale House is done, we will see about a short foray into the Tawaren Basin to mine some tin.
    Snapgallows itself is a long term project for them, as they add more for me everyday, so a nice prospecting foray will be good. and as they have built more buildings than I can stuff into Snaps walls, Lope can tump so over.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

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