I love it! Ravs, doesn't that totally scream CoC to you? That is great.
I could see some cultists surrounding it and summoning the creature. Little do they know it has plans of its own.
I'm thinking about going back and working on this guy some more...anyone wanna throw me some ideas to fill out the scene? I'm not really happy with the scene itself...I'd like to keep the tub and columns...but the rest I'm not so sure about...maybe somebody could "MAP" the room for me and I'll model it all.
I love it! Ravs, doesn't that totally scream CoC to you? That is great.
I could see some cultists surrounding it and summoning the creature. Little do they know it has plans of its own.
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Hmmm ya'll didn't get the Illithid references in the scene? Like the holy symbol of Ilsensine? I was thinking having some mind flayers in the picture.
When you venture into the realm of the "world's most popular RPG" you tend to lose me as my gaming tastes diverted me from it to more character oriented games a long time ago. I still play from time to time, but prefer other systems. That said...
I could totally see some mind flayers in the picture.
Not quite a map, but you forced me to dig out Sketchup and play with 3d modeling again
Well, I don't usually do a lot of finished pieces, but I'm a compulsive sketcher! So here's some stuff from my sketchbooks. I do my inking with a Pitt Artist's Brush Pen and a Uniball Vision ballpoint. (I've inked with Illustrator before, and I like it, but I work in my sketchbook to get away from the computer!)
The guy on the left is a Tetsuo I swiped from an issue of Akira; I'm in awe of Otomo's work! The other two are just things I doodled while watching 28 Days Later.
I didn't draw this badass Hellgirl; the original pencil drawing was done by comic artist Randy Green and inked by one of the artists over at PencilJack.com. I just did the coloring! (In Photoshop, obviously.)
I've got more stuff posted at my non-map thread over at ENWorld, but this is pretty much the best of the bunch.
Nice, Butch! I saw these over at EN--good stuff, all. Like you I like to draw for relaxation--for some reason, maps are much more serious to me. Fun, but serious.
Good to see you here at the Guild again, too, Butch!
My gallery is here
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"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]