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Thread: World Project

  1. #31
    Guild Member Facebook Connected BISHDP's Avatar
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    Ok, here is where I am now. I am rather satisfied with this map and, barring anyone pointing out something I should fix, I plan to post it to the Finished Map section. What do you guys think?
    Island Region.jpg
    Last edited by BISHDP; 10-10-2012 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #32
    Guild Apprentice
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    1 you might want to go back and add the "shipping lane" to your first map. That is a shipping lane right?

    2 Relan is the name of the region right. Because it almost looks like the name of the sw landmast. But if it was it would need to centered on the landmass.

  3. #33
    Guild Member Facebook Connected BISHDP's Avatar
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    You are absolutely right. I thought to add the shipping lanes on this map and hadn't gotten around to adding them on the other map. Here are both. I also moved the sw landmass name, Relan, to be centered. It makes the area kinda crowded but hopefully it doesn't detract too much. Added river names and several large landmarks. Fixed some legibility issues as well.
    Island Region 2.jpg Du'Lar 2.jpg Imyria & Dramerus.jpg Political.jpg
    edit: I also fixed an issue where the forests covered by more than one map were different between the maps.
    Last edited by BISHDP; 10-11-2012 at 09:39 AM.

  4. #34
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    Kurald Liosan


    I like the maps. Interesting shapes and the style you have is good. I see how the first and second map fit together, but where does the third map (which i like best so far) fit into it? Do you, by any chance, have a world map?
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    I'm trapped in Darkness,
    Still I reach out for the Stars

  5. #35
    Guild Member Facebook Connected BISHDP's Avatar
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    Added my unfinished world map for you to get an idea of how it all fits together. Thank you for the kind words. I am going through bit by bit and fleshing out the regions.

  6. #36
    Guild Expert Eilathen's Avatar
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    Kurald Liosan


    Thanks! And after reading the thread, i saw that you posted it consider me ambarassed that i didn't check first

    Now, as an enthusiastic roleplayer about you talk a bit about your world?! You must have a lot of notes after 12 years...and i always like digging into worlds that other rpg-ers have cooked up. So if you're willing to share, i'd like to read it.
    I'm trapped in Darkness,
    Still I reach out for the Stars

  7. #37
    Guild Member Facebook Connected BISHDP's Avatar
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    Certainly. I would love to. Attached is the history of my world, from creation to present day, the state of each major race in today's society, and some historical accounts of a select few heroes from ancient times. I am currently reworking the country breakouts to include current political structure, economics, and the prevelence and control of magic. Below is some basic stuff people who grew up in the world would be aware of.


    ...The world functions much the same as earth. It has the same size, tilt, seasons, days, and temperatures. The known world centers around the southern hemisphere around the Ocean of Fire. The south-eastern continent of Bremen is the most populated and explored. The Kingdom of Du'Lar is the most powerful and prominent kingdom on that continent. The other know continents are the land of Lliira in the west and Merahna in the north. Trade across the ocean is common but not as prominent as trade amongst the eastern kingdoms.

    Since the time of the Collapse, the connection between the planes has been sealed by the gods, prohibiting denizens from other planes to cross into the material world. Few have even seen a denizen from another plane and they have been relegated to stories of myth and legend. Only the darkest magic, outlawed on pain of death for any of its practitioners, is said to be able to breach the seals and force creatures from other planes into this world. As such, Summoner’s are the worst of criminals and hunted wherever they go. Even the common folk will burn a summoner at the stake if they are found in town.

    Edit: The Third Age was the multiyear campaign that my players played through. The (group) references are their as I have yet to get them to agree on a name.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by BISHDP; 10-11-2012 at 05:01 PM.

  8. #38


    These maps are really coming along nicely Bishdp. As a fellow worldbuilder, I can appreciate all the care that you've given to this project. I wish you all the best in your goal of getting this setting published with WoTC.


  9. #39
    Guild Apprentice Realmwright's Avatar
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    This looks great so far! I love the way the guild comes alive to help with stuff like this I really dig the landforms. Just a suggestion since you're going for the "known world" feel/story - do a cool fog effect around the borders so it doesn't just end at the edges. Maybe within the fog place a hint of distant shorelines or little dragon doodles

  10. #40
    Guild Member Facebook Connected BISHDP's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the kind words and suggestions. I like the idea of a fog or blurred edge. I will have to "probosculate" on that. Here is the finished Imyria and Dramerus map. The title "Dramerus" is over the northern continent, I know, rather than over the country. This was a design decision as Dramerus is already really crowded. The Dunsick Forest in Imyria runs the length despite the name only being over the top section. Also to avoid overcrowding. Let me know what you think.
    Imyria & Dramerus.jpg
    Last edited by BISHDP; 10-11-2012 at 11:46 PM.

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