Right, so, first of all, some info:
I am aiming at recreating the vivid world I have created with friends many (many!) years ago. But this time, as realistic/plausible as possible. There is quite a lot of background in my map concerning culture, history and even climate, which results from so much goofing around as a kid, but I will be trying to accommodate that as I can as the focus is on plausibility.
With this in mind I have been reading a lot on tectonics and geology, on climates and geography, etc. In the middle of so much "navigating around" I found this site and it has given me already invaluable advice and pointers.

My first goal is to achieve full-on detailed maps of elevation and climate.
Then create some history, fitting it to what I have in my memory from teenhood and to what climates/terrain allow. (Strictly no magic )

Should I reach this point... then... possibly, draw historical maps / geographical maps.

I am currently working on elevation, having created a draft coastline and a complete tectonics model. This:

These are smaller copies of the original multi-multi-layered original. I sometimes export small files to G-Projector to have a look at the planet with different projections (seeing Ortographic projections of the poles really helps!). It took a few weeks and experimenting with several possibilities until I got a balanced model.

I am now on the process of hand-painting a planetary elevation map and, oh man, is that a lengthy process!