This is the beginning of a city project that I harbored for a long time (and will take a long time to be completed, as usual), which I am able to do now that I have a new computer better able to handle large .psd files.
Basically this is a large city, which I am going to draw gradually from its founding up to its fully developed "present" state in my imagined world. There may even be some little story attached to each stage, if I find the time and energy to write it, but the main purpose is that by designing it step by step, thinking about the necessities and the resources available to the people inhabiting and building it, I will be able to achieve a more organic and realistic feeling, which until now has eluded me (or so I feel).
It's going to be a pretty large map, here you can see a 50% size of the basic terrain, where 1px=2m (1px=1m in my working version), so it is 9km*6.5km.
Of course any comment, critique or suggestion would be highly welcomed.

Elinore - Before the Coming of Men.jpg