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Thread: Leend - first try

  1. #41


    Oh sorry, I meant the first one
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

  2. #42
    Guild Member Zach's Avatar
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    New England


    Then, yes...but it would not be able to generate individual peaks without you re-defining new shapes for them.

  3. #43


    ah okay! Still, it's interesting!
    (One day I'll find out how to make custom height maps for terragen…)

    as for my map: tablet is here now, but I'm still getting used to it. I will probably post an update in a few days when I feel more comfortable with it
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

  4. #44


    Just to give you guys an idea of what's going on (Since I've been silent for a while), here's what I have so far of the new general shape of the continent.
    I suggest opening the attached image in full resolution since there is some very small detail in some parts that changes the whole image quite a bit, at least in my eyes. But it is of course by no means done - there are several islands missing on the left and in the south, and quite a bit of detail on the main coast in general. But I do think it's looking a bit better. The right one is just for comparison how it looked before the changes.
    Once I'm done with the outline I'll probably redo most of the map in order to find a better style for the mountains.

    Leend_basis_WIP.jpg Leend_basis_old.jpg
    Last edited by Lyrillies; 02-17-2014 at 01:53 PM. Reason: added older image for comparison
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

  5. #45


    It is indeed better and more "continental" with all this little details in the coastline imho. I would have kept some parts less rugged, though (as are some parts of Africa or America).

  6. #46
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
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    Nicely improved. You might want to clean up the tiniest of the speck like islands as they tend to look more like artifacts than islands, though this depends on how high of resolution your map is.

  7. #47


    thanks you two!

    and thanks Ilanthar, that is a good suggestion, I will see whether I can smoothen some parts again.

    @ madcowchef: The resolution should be high enough for those islands - also every single one of them is drawn by hand so they are all intentional. In fact, there are even more of them now


    But I must admit other than that I am completely stuck now. I am not sure about the style of the map anymore, the one I used before is beautiful and I will find a map where I can try it one day, but the problem with the mountains makes it pretty impossible to use it on this one. But then what do I want? What would fit? I'm at a loss on how to continue.

    edit: I would of course be very grateful for any comments by you experienced people on what style might fit a continent of that size and how to go about it.
    Last edited by Lyrillies; 03-12-2014 at 07:10 AM.
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

  8. #48


    Ok so I decided to basically just start with something -anything really- and see where it would take me instead of deciding beforehand what kind of style I want to have for this map.
    So far, the approach looks relatively similar to the old one, but I think in the end it will look very different from what I had before. The attachment shows my experiments so far, lots of them will later be replaced when I find out what suits this map best.


    I might actually stick with the mountain-style that I tried out in the north-east, but it has to be refined. Right now it is still a bit rough. What do you think?

    Keep in mind, I am at the very very beginning here and it will probably look completely different in the end.
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

  9. #49
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    Nice! Really good colors! Pretty interesting mountains… As you say, some refinements, but it has potential

  10. #50


    Thanks Lingon!
    yeah I guess the mountains are special… But so far I'm still happy with them. They are not too fantasy, not too comic-y, not too realistic and still show general elevation of the whole mountainous area instead of just one single mountain range. Which I think fits with the way the colors in the desert overlap. Plus, I already have an idea on how to refine them!
    But then again, let's see how they look to me tomorrow.

    And I'd be very interested in additional opinions, guys! I've seen this map so much, I have no idea how it looks anymore.
    And that's with great detail like "A COMPASS tells you which direction is north!"

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