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Thread: *** April Challenge - Using Dwarf Fortress ASCII Maps as a Source ***

  1. #41


    Just found this website today. I play dwarf fortress, but mainly for the pure purpose of generating maps. Here is one of my favourites.

    This is the northern hemisphere of the world. To the south is

    Both poles have icecaps, but a surprising amount of people live near them. The main northern continent is called Benua, and the southern one Roinmor.

    In the center-north is the Sea of Kamanas. This is always cold, with a low salinity, and often freezes over in winter. To cope with this, in winter runners are affixed to the bottom of ships, so the become like sledges, and cross the sea that way. Consequently the times when no ships travel across the sea is for a short while in spring and autumn, when the ice is only partly there and not strong enough nor in enough places to either run ships over the ice or float in the water safely. East of the sea is the Greebis Mountains. Heavily populated by dwarves, their tunnels run all the way through thus allowing goods to be transported to from the Sea of Kamanas to the Great Ocean. While many wonder how dwarves grow their food, there not being much light underground, the mountains in fact encircle the Kammukan Confederacy, a fertile land that is run jointly by the dwarves of the neighbouring counties. How exactly this works is unclear, since the dwarves refuse to give any details of their inner councils to outsiders and the Confederacy is out of bounds to non-dwarves, but rumour says that it has been the cause for numerous wars deep beneath the earth. South-west of the Greebis Mountains is the Troat River, named for the large population of deer that live between it and the mountains. The river drains much of the Magaslat Plain, which despite its name is quite hilly, indeed it's climate is reasonably close to that of Britain. West of the plain is the Rasag Mountains. There are two passes, but most travellers take the north one, for there is the city of Belalcar. From there travllers head down into the Tuortal Valley, which is where the largest river in the world is located, following through a multitude of constantly waring city-states, whose shifting allegiances mean that is those journeying must be prepared to be accosted, depending on who is fighting who this week. Oddly enough, those who are complete foreigners from nowhere near the Tuortal valley are the safest, since being from far away they are less likely to be spies working for another

    A wanderer travelling up the River Tuor will pass the meanders so enter the Tollet Forest and reach the fair city of Minara, Minara of the gleaming bridges. Situated between two mountains, Minara is a wonder to behold. One of the most ancient elven settlements, it seems to have been untouched by wars or violence. To the south are more elven settlements, but upriver lies the Forvil Prairie. Furthur upriver near the edge of the praires the river passes through a series of lakes, although after the first one the river is too narrow for boats, and so to continue one must go on foot to the source of the river in the Stuburas Mountains, which fun up the west of the continent. What lies to the west of the mountains is unknown, no one who has gone there has ever come back. Stories give many different answers - from two-headed monsters whose very skin oozes death to paradise, but as for what's really there, who knows?
    Moving on to some of the islands, south west of the Tollet Forest is the Isle of Palua, which has repeatedly colonised by various people, who live numerous communities around the edge of the island. South-east of Palua is Therset Island. No-one lives lives on the west of the island, is a barren wasteland, but a good number live on the eastern side. Cultar Sea, to the north east; and the Straits of Irama to the south east provide plenty of trading opportunities, as befits an outpost of the Breedis archipelago, which covers to the south of the Isle of Palua.

    The Breedis archipelago inhabitants are great seamen and traders who were among other things one of the earliest colonisers of Palua. They also were the ones to discover Roinmor, and have near-monopoly on trade between Roinmor and Benua. To the east of Therset Island is Kiniro Island. Kinirons are a very formal people, and have treaties and agreements for everything. They also moderatly xenophopic. Part of this is because they have nearly everything they need on the island somewhere, from the coniferous forests of Bureki in the north to the fertile plains of Yumua in the west to the salt-providing Shio desert to the south.
    Last edited by Cousjava; 04-11-2013 at 04:06 PM.

  2. #42
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    Just genned the perfect world, I think i'll have some fun with it.

  3. #43
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Does the Challenge ends today?

  4. #44
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    generally its the end of the month, so tomorrow (though the mods sometimes take a while to set up the voting thread :p)

    this was a really good month for entries, with some interesting and diverse offerings. voting will be close!

  5. #45
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    You won't finish your entry?

  6. #46
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    It will be a tough race I guess. Tension still keeps up till the Voting. Also hope for some interesting setup for May and lots of Challengers too.

  7. #47
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    not sure i'll finish mine. lost my motivation a while ago and im not that pleased with it tbh. seems too pale and featureless, even though the colour/feel is pretty much what i set out to do. i got stuck at the mountain as i dont have much experience with such hand-drawn ones and never carried on

  8. #48
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    Aww sad to hear...Maybe this is getting a WIP so?

  9. #49
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Isnt it time to start the poll now?

  10. #50
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Working on it now, sorry, thanks for the reminder...I've had a crazy month.
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

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