After it i tried 2 things, set my pole shape in ortho GProjector and in 3D function of Photoshop.
I get exaclty same shape, i believe that same dimension that i got in my origial shape. So i need to do few adjstments to get the real shape. Sinse i dont make the grid fix, i guess i can get the real dimension. Like i did im my maps, i did wrong, coz used only one grid for the entire map. Guess i have to get the projection, get the area to be detailed and after it, set one point to insert my scale, following points that i got flatting in Inventor or the shape from GProjector. Where is called Equiretangular projection.This is my pole shape, comparing my first in Inventor, GP and Photoshop.
After all this, i will made some adjstmentsfor my next version.
Now, following your tuto, i am still trying undertand how to get the "real" distance using the Gratitudes, probly i am having problens with math/english, if u can simply for me i apreciate.
You conviced me to remove the grid, probly getting a "game version" and a "beliveable version"
About the distorsion, i can get a "real" projection and close up and give up from the distorsion effect that used in my maps.
Thank you for sharing all your experience!!!
heh, it being a nice learn road!
*i dunno how to use ur Mercator template in Photoshop