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Thread: [Award Winner] Battlemaps in Photoshop

  1. #51


    Hi and thank you for the tutorial. It's GREAT
    I've followed it but my first try doesn't satisfy me so I would like to ask for some points.
    I'm not really confident in how to choose the right texture so I would like to ask if there are things to look out for.
    the ones below are the try I've done following your tutorial (I know, I didn't really check out the alignment during the making) and a winter conversion of the same map I've done changing the textures
    mappa battaglia tentativo.jpg

    mappa battaglia tentativo inverno.jpg
    I'm pretty happy about how they came out for a first try but I'm having problems with the wall shadows (for the trees I've left the drop shadow for now). I can't get them to look like yours (well defined).

  2. #52


    I think that looks pretty cool Nikkor. Very nice for a first try at it.

  3. #53
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Pacific Northwest USA


    You've done a great job, those look fun already. When I choose textures I look for ones that are a bit bland (detailed obvious repeats tend to draw the eye) and ones without directionalality unless I know I will only be using them at one orientation (if your more dedicated you can always rotate and manipulate textures to match contours but its a good bit more work). If you're having trouble with the definition with the shadow you can always use a completely hard brush and then use Filter->Blur->Guassian Blur then adjust the level of blur to your liking.

  4. #54

    Default made a PDF file now from you guide Madcowchef

    hello all i am new to this site . but i made a pdf file now of all this guide from madcowchef over 40 pages . if he aloud me it. I will put it up here for all .

    1 Question madcowchef should i add the leaf Trick from wdmartin if he aloud it ofc ?

    just let me know here . i would have mail you a privat message but i am not aloud yet need to make more post before i can do that.

    finely Thank you so much for all the work you have put in this Tutorials one of the bedst i have seen in a long time .

    P.S let me know if i shall upload it with wdmartin Leaf Trick

    if posible plz some mail those 2 since i cant so that see my Post

  5. #55
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
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    Pacific Northwest USA


    Howdy, you are most welcome to include it in an easier to use format. I can't speak for wdmartin, but I thought it was a very useful trick so if he has no objections go for it.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by madcowchef View Post
    Howdy, you are most welcome to include it in an easier to use format. I can't speak for wdmartin, but I thought it was a very useful trick so if he has no objections go for it.

    just waiting on Wdmartin to replay before i post it

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Wulfquee View Post
    just waiting on Wdmartin to replay before i post it
    still no replay from Wdmartin

  8. #58


    Great Tutorial. I'm new here but wanted to give this a go. Mine obviously isn't amazing or anything but I don't think it's terrible which is a marked improvement on my non existent previous abilities.


  9. #59
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
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    Pacific Northwest USA


    Looks like you got a very serviceable map already, congrats! I think your walls turned out particularly well. Hope it gives you some great ideas for making your own maps for your group.

  10. #60


    Great tutorial! I've been trying to learn Blender to make battlemaps in that (and for those who think Photoshop isn't user-friendly, just give Blender a try!) but I've achieved more following this tutorial than I have in many hours in Blender. Okay, not an original creation, but here it is.


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