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Thread: Atlas Elyden

  1. #61
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    So, I’ve got some more work done on the Atlas entries as well as some tweaks and minor adjustments that no-one other than myself is likely to even notice and I’m getting closer to finding a style I’m happy with (though I’m still torn about the mountains, though i'll keep that for another day...

    Of these new maps the most complex, by far is the one detailing twin nations of Ahrishen and Virahan. This is largely due to the many lakes, the relatively small scale (compare this map with the one of Ezasuth, for instance), and the fact that the regions to the west, south-east and east had already been mapped (Vârr, the Haréshk and Nakhé, respectively) so there was a lot of back and forth between this map and the older ones to make sure that everything (borders, coastlines, graticules) lined up and scaled together correctly.

    Ahrishen & Virahan.jpg

    I think I done a decent job (though it’s far from done…), though I realise that the maps are nothing much to look at at the moment and wont exactly be arty maps when they're done - they're political maps, detailing resources, roads, trade routes and such things and are functional rather than pretty,though I hope the Atlas can be seen as a work of art in some respects once its done. Also, the more maps I get done the more time-consuming the task gets. Also, the more maps I get done means the farther away from my comfort zone (Inner Sea) I get, which means more terra incognita: the lands around Korachan are very familiar as I’ve been working on them for coming up to a year now, though the farther afield I move the more unexplored certain regions become.

    Ezasuth.jpg Laaskha.jpg Nakhe.jpg Varr.jpg
    Last edited by vorropohaiah; 02-28-2014 at 05:45 AM.

  2. #62
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Of the maps I've worked on so far I think my favourites have to be Khamid, Venthir and Tzallrach since they represent neighbouring regions and the distinctive coastlines can be recognised from map to map, despite the differences in scale and orientation

    Khamid.jpgVenthir.jpgTzallrach (Char Mathi).jpg

  3. #63
    Guild Journeyer Raptori's Avatar
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    Do you have a map of the entire planet? I've seen the maps of the Inner Sea, is that continent the whole world or is there more? I've had a quick look around but can't find anything

  4. #64
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raptori View Post
    Do you have a map of the entire planet? I've seen the maps of the Inner Sea, is that continent the whole world or is there more? I've had a quick look around but can't find anything
    Sure. The inner Sea is equitable to just a Mediterranean-like region of the world, so Is only a small part of the world. There’s a link in my sig for a stereographic map im also working on (also gigantic) which displays the world in a stereographic projection.

    For convenience’s sake here’s a few images of the world map in different states.

    wagner IX.png.jpg orthographic.jpg stereo-full.jpg
    Last edited by vorropohaiah; 03-01-2014 at 09:22 AM.

  5. #65
    Guild Journeyer Raptori's Avatar
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    Awesome thanks, looks great

  6. #66
    Guild Adept Viking's Avatar
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    I am so happy to see more of your work Vorro!
    Finished Maps: Skenth - Prints Available!
    Works in Progress: Arinthia - region of Skenth

    Need something commissioned? Send me a message!

  7. #67
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    4 new maps. All around the Inner Sea.

    Aquariia.jpg Cyhlagharr.jpg Lyridia Dhai.jpg Tamar.jpg

  8. #68
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    You're turning these out really quickly! I love the name Lyridia Dhai… "Lyridia" has this really nice greyish Prussian blue hue, and Dhai is a soft brown, but there are also streaks of a deep red and a strong, golden yellow through both of them… I'm weird.

    Anyway, I noticed a typo: independent, in Lyridia Dhai's cartouche, is misspelled.

    By the way, is the plan to finish all the maps to this stage before detailing them?

  9. #69
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    thanks for spotting that, ill fix it as soon as possible.

    I like the colour descriptors of the word. Nice to see these invented words evoke some form of sensation.

    I wasn't actively planning on finishing all the maps in this stage before i carry on, though it is helpful to the writing to have larger scale maps available. One thing i want to add to them is a scale bar to better be able to measure distances, especially as some of the maps are at very different scales.

    I'd like to get the territories and borders done on at least a few of the more simple maps, at least to get an idea of what I'm aiming for (starting with what are possibly the two most complex maps I've done so far [Korachan and shibboleth] was a bad idea!). though its the forests/mountains and labelling that i'm dreading most!

  10. #70
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    3 more maps. The Inner Sea coastline is coming together pretty nicely now, though the new maps are taking longer to get done as i need to make sure the coastlines all line up with previous maps. I also started work on the borders/territory markers and hope to get something posted by the weekend.

    Hololach.jpg Skaros.jpg Parthis.jpg

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