More than 5 years have passed and I finally decided to complete this map. I spent a lot of effort doing it and it is not like I've made many more maps.
I found a lot of unused names in my notes, so I think the problem of labelling is solved. (The names are a mish-mash, of course, but it is what I have.)
I've cut off a part of the map in the east - there was nothing interesting there - and added a small text in the lower left corner. It is not that easy to add text to maps. There is very little space, so the text is extremely short and not very informative. At least I managed to describe the borders of the Empire, which are not shown on the map itself.
I tried playing with symbols on the map - adding borders or differentiating between different kind of entities using red colour in addition to "black" (which is actually brown), but I didn't manage to produce anything consistent with the general style of the map.

### Latest WIP ###
Aralor NewWIP.jpg

"Formendor" is, obviously, "nothern land" in Quenya. "Isle of Tirond" was called "Tol Tirond" at first. "Faugmor" - fire valley. Originally it was a name of a mordor-like land that is no longer present in my constructed world, but I thought that it sounds too good to throw it out and it fits a mountain range well enough!
I also replaced the stupid "Blablabla Temple" names with some more or less generic, but meaningful english names like "Old Oak" and "Blackstone".