Hiya Everyone...

I know I have been pretty intermittent here, but I thought I would drop in and post the settlement map that I just finished.
This one was based on a suggestion submitted by one of my Patreon Supporters last year and has finally come to fruition.

There were a lot of firsts in this one.
First time including locations that had previously been mapped at a battlemap scale (the fort and the church)
First time drawing rocky hillsides in this way
First time with the light coming from the top-right instead of the top-left
First time I really thought about showing layers of history and change over time (with ruins of various ages and orchards being 'newer' with smaller trees the further up the hill you go)
I have done my trees this way before (using Photoshop Layer styles instead of drawing each one), but this is the first time I have really liked the result (used a different brush and a different combination of layer styles from previously).
Not the first time for the ripped paper frame look, but the first time in quite a while - and I am wondering why I stopped doing it?

More info here: WIP Thread

Anyways, enough blathering. Here is the finished map. Not full resolution - the full map is A1 poster size
MJ_Fort Eelry_Free Map (2500x3500px).jpg

For those of you who like to see the nitty-gritty... A couple of sections in full colour & at a higher res:
Fort Eelry_full size 1.jpg Fort Eelry_full size 2.jpg Fort Eelry_full size 3.jpg