An art deco noir style city map for a Blades in the Dark game. I'm quite pleased with how this one came out. My client had mapped out the basis of this canal-driven city full of bridges. The underlying design came from the client's first map, made by a friend, and then I made it in this style to suit the campaign and gameplay feeling. The game will be streamed on Twitch and probably eventually YouTube too! Because of that I also made some simplified versions for any text they want to display (such as 'be right back' or 'donate to our Paypal' or whatever really)
CITY OF ABBADON small watermarked.jpg

I also provided an alternative version with the regions and roads colored so they stood out more, for highlighting the neighborhoods, but I don't think it's quite as stylish with the color. I really like the strict b/w color scheme on this one with the gritty cyberpunk horror setting that's been designed.

CITY OF ABBADON color city closeup.jpg