The challenge this month is not to map hell, but to pick only one (or, in my case, 2) maps to vote for among the many excellent entries. This is my hell; I've never seen so many great entries in one place, before.

My votes went to Djekspek and Carbus. The reasons have been said by others, I think, but I'll explain briefly anyway.

Djekspek's artwork is magnificent. Perhaps, if I was being nitpicky, I'd argue it isn't really a map, but rather some fantastic painting, but it does capture the concept of descent into hell better than any other entries; at least, in my opinion.

I enjoyed seeing Carbus map develop, and the final result displays the attention and time put into it. Carbus' hell is not some fiery furnace, but a bleak, cold land, and I think that is an interesting and original take. The mountains are excellent, and the application of Max' fractal waves technique works brilliantly.

Max' map is, unsurprisingly, superb, and I must admit, my reason for not voting for it was less to do with the quality of the work, but the reasoning that Max already has plenty of shiny compasses (I know that is not in the spirit of things, and sorry Max if that seems unfair; I will certainly provide rep, if I can). I really like the waves technique, and am definitely going to try it out. The way the waves seem to converge in one place suggests some monstrous current. One of my favourites, this month.

Diamond's map seemed to be off to a shaky start, but he took a new approach, and the result really paid off. An excellent map indeed. The unusual elongated rectangle really appeals to me. My 5th favourite (but remember, the competition is so tight this month, under different circumstances it would be numero uno).

I think Domino44 made the biggest effort to really contemplate the subject. The map he/she produced has all the qualities of an excellent map, but is perhaps not quite as polished as, say, Max' or Diamond's work. Nonetheless, a very worthy entry.

Moving on to Lingon's abyssal colonies, I originally thought this map would not be finished since there was a long period of inactivity (or inattentiveness on my part). Regardless, this is an extremely good map, with an original and, I think, humourous take on the subject. My 4th favourite of the month.

Slylok seems to have an incredible talent for Drawing, especially mountains. Yet another magnificent entry, albeit one that doesn't seem finished.

All of those above mentioned will be getting some rep coming their way, if I am able to send it.