Oh yeah, i was thinking about trying a city map, sure! You know, i have this big cool city from a campaign of mine, it should work...

Then i looked the map of Maffaton.

Now i am thinking about learning how the **** people makes maps like this one.
And then maybe i'll give a try...

A wonderful map!

By the way: why "Maffaton"?
In italian it has a really curious sound... don't take me wrong, but it is similar to some slang words, related to "mafia"
in some zones, the word "maffata" is used as a shortened version of the slang "mafiosata", meaning more or less "an action in mafia style". So if i should use "maffaton" as a city name with my players, probably they will start laughing and asking if there are shady guys with a coppola at the street corners