First -awesome map. Made sure to rep you before I even commented :-).

Random thoughts --
I know they're symbols, not scale depictions, but for the marsh symbols to be bigger than the trees seems... off. Either by itself seems great - you've got multiple convincing swamps, which is tough.

The dry lands of Silites po Latti Drannaror are possible as depicted, with climatic effects off-page causing it. But the situation would be even locally plausible if they were the result of a rain shadow due to prevailing winds from the west getting their moisture extracted by the coastal mountains. The only difference that would make in the map is there wouldn't be much in the way of rivers on the east side of the Balanteys / Urkan Tocaror. The gap at Leb Woxxerexx and the southern coast would admit enough moisture for the interior to be grasslands / steppes instead of desert - it that what you're depicting?

The square repeating pattern in the background bugged me until I thought "not parchment, but linen!" Is that what you intend? If so I'd kind of expect a bit of effect on the linework too, since even coated, fine-weave clothpaper has some texture -- but for something this beautiful I'm willing to suspend all sorts of analysis :-).

Lastly - first map? Are you for real? Wow.