In the time before man when only the fey races walked the lands, the Gods were pleased. Their subjects were loyal and cared for the Gods creations. One of the Gods thinking himself better than his fellows took a hand at creation and made man. This angered the Gods but they let the creation stand to watch what would happen. Man was inquisitive, violent, passionate and many other things indeed. Man took without asking and changed the land to better suit himself. The Feyborn retreated before this new threat and the Gods were displeased. The god who thought himself better was banished to live out the life of man and the other Gods made the rains fall hard and for many months until the lands were washed clean. Man was not so fragile however and survived the cleansing. Now man clings to existence in this great lowlands with floods and the anger of the Gods......

Obviously I don't have enough to do This is me playing with Wilbur and some GIMP stuff. I liked it enough to keep working on it and post it. I'll probably add some labels and call it done.
The Blackmarsh Lowlands.jpg