Wow. I hope he at least judges based on the content rather than the execution! I can imagine just how... popular that dictate is going to be. That said, impeccable execution can only help. Realistically, how much time have you got over that two weeks, and how complex a situation are you trying to portray?

I take it you're well versed in geologic maps as a user? If you have in mind exactly what you want, "just" getting it down on paper or a screen is doable. Especially things like cross-sections. By the way, is your finished product to be paper or electrons? How capable is your computer? What form is your data in, and what kind of map output do you need? You may not be able to xerox existing maps, but if you show us what you're aiming at, we can advise. While most of us are fantasy mappers, manymanymany of us are general map geeks, and there are a few real geologists, mariners, geographers, and surveyors here.