Hello from the DC area! I'm thrilled to have found the Cartographer's Guild. I've been doodling maps on and off since childhood, but recently got back into D&D (after 20 years off) and it has revitalized my interest in map-making. I'm artistically challenged when it comes to sketching so in the past I've mostly done map outlines with some very basic geographic symbols (e.g., inverted Vs for mountains) and cities represented as mere dots. I've decided to embrace map-making as a hobby and put some real effort into teaching myself how to sketch map-related items.

I've been practicing with top-down villages to get different roof lines but decided to go ahead and create a map of the area from which my D&D character hails. It's still a work in progress; I definitely need to add a legend and scale, and probably a title across the top. I think for now I'm just sticking with black and white, pencil-drawn maps but hope to add some color later, as I get better at it. Eventually I would like to draw the town of Brynehall in the birds-eye view manner of Braun & Hogenberg.

Brynehall area map (weathered).jpg