Bogie and I commissioned each other each to make a relatively simple battlemap location, the sort of layout that could easily come together and be useful for a DM running a game. I gave Bogie a throne room for a palace I drew, and Bogie gave me the following adventure.

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Here is the rough map and info for you Tiana:

Attachment 126222Attachment 126223Attachment 126224Attachment 126225
The exterior. Bogie, do let me know the following things to progress on this commission (for the record, this version is completely usable by all who may tarry here but it is 50% of the final size):
1- I left a couple of slightly more intact ruined buildings because there are numbered labels on the main overland map pointing towards a couple of ruins in moderately better condition, but I can switch them out if you want for fully ruined buildings and rubble. I can also alter the rooftops to be 'burnt out' in places on my next step.

2- do you like the frequency and style of rubble (Kier's rocks aplenty)

3- I placed a bit of defined road, but it can be altered to be in less good condition or completely removed. My plan if you liked this underlying texture was to have some parts of it clearly washed out by the dusty land texture, something I can't do until my next step which requires texture commitment.

4- do you like the pyramid? As far as I can tell the blue and white stripes were intended to be horizontal so that's what I did but it's easy to change to vertical, change the color, etc.

5- as the GM, would you prefer to be able to remove the pyramid (which would be delivered as a transparent png) and expose the layout as part of the same map, or have the pyramid interior layout separate / its own map?

6- do you want a baked in grid or will you have the grid added in your VTT?

### Latest WIP ###