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Thread: This might be to hard.

  1. #1

    Default This might be to hard.

    I'm fairly new to the site, I posted my hand-done map yesterday (that is the reason I joined the guild). But I am wondering, because of my
    lack of expertise in programs like PS or GIMP I would use something like auto realm to achieve a digital world atlas. However it wouldn't be the
    world alone. I was thinking that I would also go deep into every nation and complete every little detail. I am currently drafting one of the nations
    close up now. My idea was that I would split them (or at least some of them) up into duchies (provinces) and put in every city, town and castle
    and also mark down the road ways between them. I don't know if anyone has done this before, but I want to do it I may be new to the
    site but I'm not new to fantasy cartography.

    If anyone wants to see the first hand-done copies here they are. They are split into 4 A4 sized sheets however fit together perfectly.

    western empires.jpgeastern races.jpg
    Orcish sands.jpgCrag'Mar.jpg
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by moop123; 08-30-2013 at 05:10 AM. Reason: just making the map easier to look at. Sorry about the attached files :P

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