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Thread: Mapping of an unknown Land (Die mysteriösen Lande)

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Wip Mapping of an unknown Land (Die mysteriösen Lande)

    Hi folks!

    It has been a looong time since i last posted here, and i haven't really been involved in mapmaking for about equally the time - until a friend invited me to take part in a kind of RPG, as a mapmaker. I of course said yes!

    He also provided me with a very basic map that he has drawn:


    i obviously started anew, with pencil on paper. Im not sure yet how im going to finish the map, if digitally or only in traditional media, but i will see as i go along the way. Since there is not yet a story there, and not much of the Land is known, this will probably a map in constant transition, or just a base on which further maps will be drawn. We'll see.
    Anyway, heres my WIP:


    Hoping for some c&c!

  2. #2


    What a pretty style you have - and what a lovely eye for river detail!

    I can tell this is going to be a real treat to watch.

    Please - carry on

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thanks Mouse for your kind words, i give my best!

    Started on the southern part with mountains and woods. still with pencil - i have no clue how to color it or so. We will see. For now i kind of like it like that, once i completed the linework, i will think of something. Or any of you have any ideas? Maybe i'll go crazy and color it by hand...
    Also i don't have clue for the labeling - i was thinking of doing that digital on top of everything (also, i probably will draw the towns on a seperate paper in a bigger scale and put them in afterwards).


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