Call off the girlfriend...I think it's quite nice actually. I like the colors and texturing and you have GREAT coastlines and landmass shapes. Stuff I would consider fixing:
1) the border and glyphs are really neat but they're a little "soft" compared to the rest of the map and the color's a bit odd (clashing?) If you could tighten those up I think the map would look significantly better.
2) The torn edge is very stark. Take a look around for torn paper tutorials. Here's one I've used to good effect, but there are many others:
3) Not really a must-change item but I'd consider a more script-like font and grunging the names up a bit...they seem a little stark and type-set for the style of the map.
Hopefully I've not been so harsh as to deserve the wrath of your girlfriend (unless she's a good spanker, in which case I can make another post).